My gene of interest is 5.5 kb long one. this gene has been expressed only under stress conditions and I have used NaCl treatment (Salinity stress) to induce the gene expression and I have isolated RNA from the NaCl treated leaves. I have designed primers to amplify the entire 5.5 kb as well as  I have designed primers to amplify the N terminal 3 kb and 2.5 kb C- terminal also. I have tried many times but I have not got the full length 5.5 kb gene. Further I have tried to amplify the C- terminal 2.5 kb region alone and I got the same. But still I have not get the 3 kb N-terminal region. Kindly help me friends ! Further I have tried Bio line, Phusion DNA polymerase and Hot start taq polymerase also. Kindly give your advice.

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