Hello to everyone
I am working in the field of stress physiology, I am comparing different parameters between Male animals Vs Female animals and within Male and female animals, each group contains three different time duration of stress. For this, I have to do two-way ANOVA in the SPSS (version 20) software. would you please explain to me how to do two-way for in this case.
I am giving stess to animal during the gestational period with three different trimester first, second and third trimester.
Example 1: for example i am calculating body weight gain during gestational period 1-10 days and 11-22 days gestational period for all stress exposed groups and a control groups.
Example 2 : I am doing Neurobehavioural analysis (anxiety behaviour) for offspring both sex male and female of three stress exposed group and a control group.
how to do two-way ANOVA for these cases and how to enter the data in the datasheet. In these cases which i have to take as dependent variable, independent variable and fixed factor.
Here is the sample data in the data sheet. please help me out
Thanks in advance for your valuable suggestion.