10 February 2018 5 897 Report

There are several applications where conjugate mirroring of the k-space is important. In may case, I want to increase SNR. So, flipping the dimensions and conjugate the complex values is easy if the center of the k-space is known exactly. In my example my k-space K has the dimensions:

z,y,x = 160x160x144

where z is the read-out dimension. For y and x I know from the meta-data that the center is at 80 and 72. Hence, I flip the dimensions and shift them by 1 px. For the read-out dimension z, the theoretical center is at 79.5 which is perfect as I only would have to flip the dimensions without shifting. However, if I combine K with the mirrored K'


I get phase-shift artifacts. I had a look on the read-out dimension at 80/72 and it seems that the center is shifted by 0.5 or 1 px i.e. the center is between 78 and 79 px. Hence, if I flip the dimensions and do an interpolated shift by -0.5, -1, -1.5 or -2 px, then K+K' does not have any artifacts for -1.5. Furthermore, as one would expect, it has better SNR and contrast.

Finally my question:

How can I estimate where the exact k-space center in the read-out direction is located?

Thank's for any hints


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