I am going to use this plasmid


to test whether my miRNA mimics can silence my gene of interest. My 3' UTR is about 1200 nt long, but I have 4 candidates to test that spans only about 545 nucleotides in the 3' UTR. So I planned to only use that piece of the UTR that contained my miRNA binding sites, but I can't find a company that can synthesize custom oligonucleotides that long.

My next idea is to just make oligos that only have 1-2 miRNA bindings sites to be able to make a shorter oligo. I am wondering if anyone has had experience with this and knows how long the 3' UTR should be? Is it bad to have too short of a 3' UTR to insert into a plasmid? Since the 3' UTR insert only needs to contain the miRNA binding site and nucleotides for sticky ends I can go as low as 30 nucleotides.

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