I am studying how well various miRNAs bind to and silence my 3' UTR of interest. I ordered a dual luciferase plasmid from promega and now need to amplify my 3' UTR of interest to insert into the plasmid. I have made forward and reverse primers that contain a restriction enzyme site on the primer so I can ligate the full 3' UTR into my plasmid, but now I need to design primers (or find a different way) to mutate 4 nucleotides in the middle of my 3' UTR, where my miRNA binds.
With the dual luciferase plasmid I can quantify how well my miRNA mimics silence a gene, but I need to mutate the specific miRNA binding site to also show where the miRNA mimic works. I see from the following site that you can do crossover PCR to create primers that completely cover the miRNA binding site, and contain a 4 nt mutation, but my issue is that the my specific primers end up being 22-30 nt long and have a Tm of 72C +, which to me seems very high. Also it means that if I use these mutant primers, I need to redesign my normal primers for the full length WT 3' UTR, since right now they have a Tm of 62C.
Does anyone have any experience with crossover PCR to mutate specific nucleotides in the middle of a DNA sequence, or know of any other method that can help with my mutagenesis? Is what I explained above correct?