During culturing , the concentration of glucose decreases as cells use it. Similarly, as after eating glucose is high, than lowers normally as used in the body. (if you think that value is a high for cells compering with "normal fasting" values in blood).
Actually people have been culturing islets under different glucose concentrations and it turned out that 11 mM or so provides optimal viability of cells (cells show a decreased apoptosis rate than when cultured in lower or higher glucose conditions). In addition, 11 mM glucose preserves the functioning of the cells, especially insulin content, expression of genes related to glucose metabolism, glucose-stimulated calcium response, etc... If you haven't read it yet you can have a look at this technical paper about culture of islets:
A Practical Guide to Rodent Islet Isolation and Assessment http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3056052/