Burn all the cells and media and go back to a stock of cells you know are clean.
Trying to recover a cell line that is contaminated is not a good use of time and resources from what I have heard: you'll never know if the contamination is going to come back even if you find an antibiotic that clears it up. It might have a mycoplasma contamination which would invalidate your results depending on what you're doing with them.
I have been told that it's best to use NO antibiotics in cell culture so that if you do have a contamination, you know immediately and can purge the contaminated cells and will not have to guess what is contaminated and what is not. So far it is working out for me. I had one contaminated well since I stopped using antibiotics and have confidence none of my other cells are contaminated.
First of all, Which type of antibiotic are you using? It is not recommended to use that batch of cells. If the infection is persistent you probably need to use another batch and discard the infected one. If you don't have another batch you can try with
You should keep your culture rom bacer- free, for examole, open UV light for at least 20min before start. OPERATION STRICTLY ACCORDING TO PROTOCOL. Everthing item shold be new from now. OLd CULTURE AND CELL LINES YOU STORD, GIVE UP
Burn all the cells and media and go back to a stock of cells you know are clean.
Trying to recover a cell line that is contaminated is not a good use of time and resources from what I have heard: you'll never know if the contamination is going to come back even if you find an antibiotic that clears it up. It might have a mycoplasma contamination which would invalidate your results depending on what you're doing with them.
I have been told that it's best to use NO antibiotics in cell culture so that if you do have a contamination, you know immediately and can purge the contaminated cells and will not have to guess what is contaminated and what is not. So far it is working out for me. I had one contaminated well since I stopped using antibiotics and have confidence none of my other cells are contaminated.
Nice to chat with you. If your strains are pure, the problem can be faulty aseptic technique in sterilized hood (laminar flow hood) and body garment, etc. Any tissue work has to be done using aseptic technique. You try to clean inside before outside this hood. Good luck.
+1 to all the start over suggestions. In the future you could use commercially available antibiotics like PennStep to reduce the risk of infection. Also, the contamination you have might be yeast or another fungus, if you're already using PennStrep. I recently switched from PennStrepp to Anti-Anti (contains an anti-fungal) to reduce the risk of yeast contamination in my cultures.
Antibiotics and antimycotics won't solve your problem, and they won't gurantee it will never happen again, but it's a good safety measure to reduce the risk of contamination (barring very, very bad technique).