You better fix the tissue by transcardial perfusion 10% formalin or formal saline or 4% PFA. And you can store the tissue in fixative for months. For IF prefer cryosectioning for good results. After fixative transfer the tissue to 30% sucrose until immersion of tissue. You can store the tissue in Sucrose for 2-3 months also. For for better result in immunofluorescence staining better go for antigen retrieval.
In my opinion Kathiravan Kaliappan answered very well to your question. I only suggest to remove brain from fixative after 24-48h. Longer periods of fixation could prevent immunoreactivity, even with antigen retrieval.
I also agree with Sara Hancock above to use Azide sodium to prevent stuff from growing... fungus etc grows really quickly if infected. I also would not keep it for 2-3 months, it can't be good for your tissue. You may be best off cutting the tissue and carrying the slides prior to travel, as you can dry your tissue for IHC... you may however end up with more auto-fluorescence if performing IF...alternatively, they can be stored wet in a humidity chamber/slide mailer once cut, and unstained.
The classic histology process of fixation are OK to preserved brain structure as bouin or FAA (formol, acide acetique, alcool) but for only 2 das alcool 50 ° is also suitable.
If you need some more help for this purpose you can contact me at [email protected]