Hi everyone,
Today I put on a MiSeq run using Nextera XT library preparation to be run on a V3 600 cartridge. After ~20 cycles it has given me a low cluster density of 473K/mm2. The quality however is fantastic (98.9% over 30).
The sample consisted of 6 uniquely barcoded libraries that were equalised in 24ul before adding to PhiX 6ul and HT1. I checked all samples using QF and my individual concentrations of DNA were between 0.6 and 3.5 ng/ul. is this a little low and part of the issue?
Does anyone know why this low cluster density may have come about so I can trouble shoot this in the future? So far I have looked into the NaOH concentration and confirmed this is not the case.
Thanks for any help you can provide,