Have you ever encountered a situation of withdrawing your article? What are the possible stringent reasons you consider possible to withdraw an article after review/acceptance for publication?
Segun Michael Abegunde Sometimes one feels the pain for them having undergone stressful review task, but it becomes compelling to withdraw in some circumstances. Currently, a journal rejected a waiver but review done and it's unbearable to go ahead considering the Article Publication Charges (APC). It is confusing whether to break the bank due to time already wasted or to start another submission with other journals.
Yes, after an article was accpeted I withdrew because the demands of the editor in terms of making the maps comply with strict cartographic rules involved extra work which did not appeal to me.
Yes. I withdrew my paper after accepted from the journal because the demand for the (APC) article processing charge is too high. I couldn’t pay the amount APC of the journal.