
1- I did transient transfection for hek293 cells by 6 kb plasmid after 48 h the cells expressed my target protein at approximately 60%, I used lipofectamine 2000 in a DNA: LIPO ratio 1:4

 then in a separate experiment I repeated the transfection to generate stable clone, I split the cells, 24 h after the transfection and the day after add G418 500 ug/ml 

after two weeks cells clusters  were formed, after a month I screen the transfection efficiency and the result was negative

I repeated the transfection but adding the G418 in the splitting day and the results came negative again 

what could be the reason for this? why it work fine with transient only not stable? how can I make sure the cells will express my target earlier than 1 month? any suggestions?

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