We use array-CGH, non-targeted 180K resolution as the standard prenatal chromosomal test, in CVS as well as amioncentesis, for all indications (including fetal anomalies and increased first trimester risk of downs) except where a cytogenetic test is specific the best test. We (Our genetic lab) has now performed more than 1000 prenatal array-CGH. So why do you want cytogenetic test in your case?
Olav, we live in a low income country (Cuba) is imposible for us to use micro array in prenatal diagnosis, them we should use chromosomes to do the diagnosis. We need high resolution to detect structural aberrations or at less suspect the aberration and them applied FISH.
Sorry, I didn't realize that - of course the possibilities are dependent on availability. I was just (too) influenced of many recent discussions with colleagues from Denmark and the Nordic countries, including some who have the technology available, but don't use it.
Thank you for the paper you sent me. Yes the finalcial support to do science is very important, as you say the possibilities are dependent on availability (of money). We are trying to buy a CGH micro array plattaform but it is very expensive, may be this dream became reality the next year.