I have a problem with alkaline phosphatase detection in calcified VSMC using its chromogenic substrate, pNPP !!
I used Vascular smooth muscle cell line, I put them in Calcification media (in presence of CaCl2 (3mM) and beta-glycerophosphate (10mM) for 10 days), and in 10th day i did alkaline phosphatase test without commercial kit.
first i removed the medium and wash the cell mono-layes with PBS (2times), after this i lysed the cell using lysis buffer (0.1% triton in saline in presence of 2 protease inhibitor like PMSF, ...) and with help of blue tips i lysed the cells.
after that, i transferred the cells to microtubes and put them on ice in shaker, and every 5 min i vortex the microtubes, and finally centrifuge the cells in 15000rpm, 15min, 4C and with this supernatant performed ALP test
i added 50 micro-liter of supernatant to 100 micro liter alkaline buffer (containing Tris-HCl and glycine) and added 50 micro liter of pNPP (10-25mM) (which solved in alkaline buffer containing MgCl2 and ZnCl2) to them in dark condition.
But unfortunately the absorbance of positive (cells in calcification media) and negative control (cells in normal media) didn't have significant difference!!!!
Could you kindly guide me about these? and tell me what is the problem?
Thanks a lot
Best regards