I am doing gene expression analysis using rt-qPCR (iTaq™ Universal 2X SYBR® Green Supermix). I use Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio™ 3 real-time PCR machine. I ran my control and treatment rat liver samples (cDNA templates) for PPAR-alpha gene target. I set Ct threshold as default. Results: The baseline start and end values of my samples (on the same plate at the same run) were different even though the Ct threshold (0.166) was the same for all of them. In specific, some samples had baseline start=3, baseline end=18; some had baseline start=3, baseline end=19. Is it a problem?
SYBR Green
Reaction volume: 20uL
Thermal cycling conditions:
50oC 2 min
95oC 10 min
40 cycles of:
95oC 15 sec Denature
60oC 45 sec Anneal/Extend