We have been using DMEM F12 for differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells and we presumed that different large commercial manufacturers stick to the same or very similar composition. Comparing the compositions though we found differences such as Amimed’s DMEM F12 HAM, which (didn't work well for osteogenesis and compared with other DMEM F12 media (LONZA and Sigma). The most notable difference is pyruvic acid sodium salt (55 mg/l Amimed, 110 mg/l Lonza and Sigma) – this can potentially make a big difference. Has anybody paid attention to these differences as well?

Now to complicate the situation further Sigma's powder has 110 mg/l, while liquid formulations are also at 55 mg/l. Gibco' liquid is at 110 mg/l. I will be very happy if somebody can give me an explanation. I don't think it is hydration of the molecule - at least it is not noted.

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