09 September 2015 5 9K Report


i m modeling a delamination buckling of composite laminates using cohesive element I M USING ABAQUS STANDARD 6.14 FOR MODELING,,,Model description is like this

IT have two laminates upper(having 4 plies/thinner laminate) and lower laminates(36 plies/thicker lamina)  in between the is a 10x10   pre delamination region and a cohesive element has been inserted between these laminates to predict the propegation of delamination,,

DUE TO SYMMETRY i model  only quarter of the model,,, after applying a force it should buckle from the pre delamination from the tip  and goes down 

while in my model it does NOT open from here at first but from the opposite corner ,,,,also there is penetration at the square shape delamination location

can any one help me why is it not opening correctly from correct location ,,here is the picture and paper i m using as a reference paper..

any suggestion would be appreciated i can send u the cae file too if some one want to take a look at it

thank u


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