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Questions related to Continuum Mechanics
To develop constitutive models in continuum mechanics, one must consider kinematics, balance of momentum, balance of energy, and free-energy imbalance. Next, one must propose constitutive response...
03 January 2021 9,914 4 View
I'm working on a solid mechanics code. I'm looking for an accurate, explicit algorithm that computes strain increment(infinitesimal/engineering) based on Deformation Gradient in a Corotational...
11 October 2020 1,714 1 View
I have searched google. But it would be more helpful to get suggestions from personal experience.
15 September 2020 5,607 5 View
In the literature of continuum mechanics, this book sometimes is called "the Monster". some others call it (and the Non-classical field theories by Treusdell and Noll) "the bibles of continuum...
30 July 2020 6,073 3 View
In the couple stress theory we have only dependent macrorotation and we can calculate curvature tensor. But in the micropolar theory we have independent microrotation and maybe macrorotation, but...
09 June 2020 3,134 1 View
suppose there are two material points, before deformation, they have coordinates (x) and (x+dx), the initial distance between these neighboring points are: dS2=dx2 why do we need the distance to...
06 March 2020 7,328 3 View
Dear Sir/ Ma'am, The simulation I have run here is simple uniaxial tension test with Symmetric boundary contions in X,Y and Z on ABAQUS Explicit. This was done as a Test for a VUMAT code...
01 January 2020 8,355 3 View
Damping of oscillation by interstitial atom movement through lattice shows a damping peak. Why the damping is frequency dependent, while interstitials transit from site to site, and restoring...
13 November 2019 7,756 1 View
Searching for how to get gradient of cross product of two vectors gives me gradient of dot product, divergence (∇⋅) of cross product, and many other relations. But no gradient of cross product
05 May 2019 3,426 6 View
I'm new to continuum mechanics and cannot find a good theory for large in-plane deformations of a homogeneous shell that allows for the plate to rotate.
03 March 2019 9,777 1 View
I heard that this parameter (DBM) is well known from continuum mechanics and is usually used for the analysis of volume changes in flowing liquids or gases. I am seeking some theories of how does...
10 October 2018 5,727 2 View
Please refer some guide or notes for guidelines to expand the following expression ∇× (∇× ε)T . I shall be very thankful to you.
08 August 2018 6,044 0 View
I have developed a VUMAT material model for Johnson-Cook plasticity. Now, I have to add Johnson-Cook damage/failure model to my code. Johnson-Cook Damage model : D = ∑ εp(eff)/εf Fracture...
07 July 2018 687 4 View
I need an article with a literature survey on contributions over large-strain (finite-strains) or similar continuum topics.
05 May 2018 7,018 6 View
In the Holzapfel's book "Nonlinear solid mechanics - a continuum approach for engineering", at page 64, equation 2.20 shows that the material time derivative of F (scalar, vector or tensor field)...
05 May 2018 1,846 0 View
05 May 2018 10,017 5 View
Does anyone know of a valid reference highlighting the proof of the divergence theorem in a strictly coordinate invariant tensor framework? Kellogg is probably the most frequently sited source,...
18 November 2017 7,431 3 View
Under the CDP, there are only uniaxial compression and tension data ranges. As far as i understand, Abaqus formulates/estimate the strain-softening behavior automatically using the modified...
11 November 2017 6,029 0 View
11 November 2017 2,522 4 View
As we all know, small strain theory is very important in continuum mechanics. It helps linearize the strain tensor as the second-order terms are neglected. Most of the contexts I found read: the...
11 November 2017 1,189 0 View
Hi, Is there any software package for symbolic continuum mechanics calculations, like derivative of tensors using index notation,etc? Thanks
10 October 2017 1,687 2 View
What is the name of the constant r in the 'continuum mechanics version' of the ideal gas law? It reads p=rho r theta and r=k/mw where k is Boltzman's constant and mw is moleculeweight.
09 September 2017 7,921 0 View
Hi I want to learn a bit more about continuum, elasticity, plasticity esp for understanding the constitutive equations in materials. Can anyone suggest me good sources? With best regards; Shabnam
08 August 2017 1,662 2 View
my search is related to continuum method of analysis of space structure or useful information or resources about continuum mechanics
03 March 2017 2,512 2 View