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Questions related to Classical Mechanics
I am a materials science undergrad, interested to know the algorithms for numerical integration of equation of motion in computational materials science, like molecular dynamics. It is said that,...
13 November 2019 4,019 2 View
11 November 2019 1,078 2 View
Are there examples of lossless, yet time irreversible systems? I would be pleased to know if there are any in Quantum Mechanics.
14 March 2019 1,457 5 View
03 March 2019 4,800 6 View
It seems that the slow pace of chemistry and biology could exponentially speed forward if there was such an advance as a real-time recorder of chemical reactions. Imagine a biologist was curious...
02 February 2019 3,909 3 View
The physical system of a charged particle under the action of crossed electric and magnetic fields is a well-known problem in classical mechanics. In such an approach, the motion equations can be...
01 January 2019 1,822 3 View
Hamiltonian mechanics is a theory developed as a reformulation of classical mechanics and predicts the same outcomes as non-Hamiltonian classical mechanics. It uses a different mathematical...
01 January 2019 3,944 3 View
Looking for opensource tool for ReaxFF simulation. If there is something other than paid software ADF please reply ?
25 January 2018 6,765 5 View
In textbooks or introductory texts on quantum mechanics, one may read that the quantum mechanical wave function changes by two fundamentally different processes. One is the deterministic and...
21 December 2017 2,766 93 View
I read that RWA in terms of quantum optics is used to find an approximate solution for time-dependent Schrodinger equation? What is the physical meaning of this technique? What or/and When do we...
12 December 2017 8,284 3 View
12 December 2017 2,581 93 View
How to determine energy levels theoretically in a material. A wide band gap material doped with impurities. Could it be a tool to cross check the results obtained experimentally?
13 November 2017 579 3 View
In high-school physics class, we have learnt that in a system of springs in parallel, the effecting force constant can be expressed as the sum of force constants of all springs in the system. Is...
10 October 2017 2,079 2 View
I have encountered some ambiguity regarding the applicability of Newton's third law of action-reaction to the force of gravitation. For two masses m1 and m2, separated by a distance r, the law of...
08 August 2017 8,254 11 View
Hi, I'm working on a project that need a simulation process of Glucose or Phenolic Compounds molecules in powder form passing through Ar Plasma but the only experience I have with MD is with...
08 August 2017 1,751 6 View
In his lecture Sidney Coleman, a famous physicist in the quantum theory and famous lecturer in the domain, tried to explain at a simple level the...
05 May 2017 4,398 86 View
Isn't special theory of relativity an offshoot of a measurement problem, though of different kind than from quantum mechanics? If a watch is designed whose measure of time does not depend on light...
03 March 2017 458 9 View
Hi, Anybody please explain. How phantom node method is used in Abaqus XFEM implementation for cutting the element during crack propagation
11 November 2016 10,187 0 View
When we try to find out algorithm to calculate evolution of mechanical system in discrete time, we find, that energy is not conserving. Does this mean some deep law? Is it possible to use momentum...
11 November 2016 4,752 17 View
Schrödinger self adjoint operator H is crucial for the current quantum model of the hydrogen atom. It essentially specifies the stationary states and energies. Then there is Schrödinger unitary...
11 November 2016 4,213 62 View
The concept of degree of freedom is originated from classical mechanics to know the position of a point, or, precisely, the minimum number of observations in their respective dimension to know the...
10 October 2016 1,126 1 View
What exactly the difference between state space and phase space in equilibrium statistical mechanics or in general in physics?
10 October 2016 1,201 2 View
Hi all, I had make an animation of a dropping ball (normal ball) with the acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2 and initial velocity of 0 using MassFX in 3dmax before. Now I want to make a dropping ball...
10 October 2016 4,571 2 View
Object A sits at the outer edge (rim) of a merry-go-round, and object B sits halfway between the rim and the axis of rotation. The merry-go-round makes a complete revolution once every thirty...
10 October 2016 9,061 5 View