Mechanics is the branch of science concerned with the behavior of physical bodies when subjected to forces or displacements, and the subsequent... | Contact experts in Mechanics to get answers
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Questions related to Mechanics
Is the anisotropic behavior of graphene, owing to asymmetrical strain distributions and asymmetric Poisson's ratio, the only reason for the opening or increment of band-gap at the Fermi level,...
30 March 2022 9,313 0 View
Find the reaction at Point A and B.
07 August 2020 4,047 3 View
Hello, According to the power law, Stress=K*strain^n. Could someone please explain why an increase in strain hardening exponent n results in less material necking from this equation? Please see...
16 February 2020 4,184 4 View
DIssipation is the reflection of irreversibility in the processes of nature. How does it reflect itself in various laws an principles ?
28 November 2019 4,314 3 View
I have a Scenario where my lock nut is tightend using a prevailing torque of 14 Nm (as mentioned by the manufacturer) on to the rotor placed between bearings (But the tightening direction and the...
11 November 2019 7,361 3 View
11 November 2019 8,046 3 View
04 November 2019 4,238 3 View
I am designing a helmet impact machine. Does the accelerometer placed inside helmet and load cell placed under anvil give the same peak force value?
12 October 2019 671 3 View
For a hard surface, it is commanly assumed that the maximum value of friction only depends on the coefficient of friction and the normal reaction force. However, intution suggest that is should...
08 August 2019 8,110 5 View
As shown in illustration, I have a pipe with details listed below and it is clamped at both ends. Clamps are tightened by applying a torque of 15Nm. How could i find out if the support provided...
31 July 2019 4,732 4 View
I have a fluid mechanics questions. Suppose that we a submillimeter needle that is already inserted in the soft tissue. water can run through this needle if the pump is on. suppose we turn the...
04 April 2019 7,440 3 View
I basically want to know know any connection if machine learning in Mechanics.
19 March 2019 8,190 3 View
I am planning to conduct four-point bending tests on tubes with different lengths and diameters. Do you know of any method to decide the proper loading rate/speed?
21 November 2018 9,795 4 View
I'm looking for a good intro for cantilever beam mechanics. We are given a length and radius of a fixed rod and we apply a force F at the free end. How can one calculate forces and slopes at...
11 November 2018 5,900 4 View
I have a ceramic crucible, which is pressed from the sides to hold the weight, for this material, which failure theory can be used from Ansys? Mohr-Coulomb theory or Max Tensile Theory, which...
31 October 2018 3,907 4 View
Dear RG members, Why shear fracturing occurs in the rock compression test where no shear stress is applied?
10 October 2018 8,124 10 View
Given the incredible amount of insults and hysterical comments that I received after submitting my article on arXiv, I would like to have opinions from real scientists on whether or not my article...
08 August 2018 1,222 6 View
Here a circular plate with initial tension is clamped around its edge, and the final deformation of the plate is known ( e.g. the curvature of the cross section is known), then how can I compute...
07 July 2018 1,890 3 View
The correct execution of basic physics is under pressure, nowadays. This is especially visible on the internet. In order to focus on the basics of physics, I ask the following question: What...
06 June 2018 9,503 36 View
If something causes final orbital speed of the satellite to be decreased (final orbital speed < initial orbital speed), why its circular motion changes to elliptical motion? Assuming that the...
02 February 2018 9,131 9 View
I am working on deriving expression for deflection of a tapered beam with an elliptic cross-section. Hence, area moment of inertia is a linear function of the beam length. The beam is fixed at one...
02 February 2018 8,790 3 View
Dear all researchers, I observed that Fracture Strain and Fracture Toughness of Aluminum Alloys depends upon the strain rate, as we increase the stain rate Fracture Strain and Fracture Toughness...
21 January 2018 6,332 16 View
We are looking for more detailed instructions to do this than what is included in the LTQ XL hardware manual and would appreciate any help or advice with this process.
09 January 2018 1,087 3 View
01 January 2018 3,181 3 View