I ran PCR to amplify lpxA gene of Campylobacter so as to detect Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. However, I faced repeated primer dimer formation but no band was formed for my target gene.
I used the following three primers*, DNA extraction kit and PCR master mix.
1. Reverse primer for lpxARKK2m: 5'-CAATCATGDGCDATATGASAATAHGCCAT-3' (Tm= 57.3oC)
2.Forward primer for lpxA C. jejuni: 5'-ACAACTTGGTGACGATGTTGTA-3' (Tm=53.5oC)
3. Forward primer lpxA C. coli: 5'55-AGACAAATAAGAGAGAATCAG-3' (Tm=47oC)
4. Bacterial Genomic DNA extraction kit
5. PCR master mix kit
*NB: the reverse primer is used for both forward primers