I have some problems visualising my sheared chromatin. I seem always to get a long smear from which it is difficult to determine fragement sizes. I am working with primary colorectal cancer cells (SW480). I use a sonicator and have tried using 5', 10', 15' and 30'. I still seem to get this uniform smear. I am wondering if any of you have had a similar experience and have troubleshooted this successfully (images attached).
I purify my DNA after reverse crosslinking a 25ul aliquot. I measure the concentration of DNA on a nanodrop (I question its reliablility for this application). I read usually people load 20-30ng. However I see nothing when I load this much according to the nanodrop. I have to load a nanodrop apparent 5ug to see the smears from the attached file.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.