I am having difficulty understanding how I can replicate a study's success. Could you take a look at this old study (patent really)? They have done what I hope to, which is achieve a volume of around 2ml of cells at about 5x10e7. http://www.faqs.org/patents/app/20120039856

It says in one of the later paragraphs that 2 ml of suspended cells were injected into a patients scalp to help with some sort of hair loss study. In previous paragraphs, it says that they used the isolation kit from miltenyi and only used 100uL of microbeads/blocking reagent. They also used cord blood, which to my understanding has less cd133 cells than bone marrow. I know they cultured the cells for about a month or so to get the 5x10e7 cell number, but I have a few questions.

If you have 2 vials of 2ml microbeads (and 2 vials of 2ml Fcr blocking reagent) can you achieve the same or greater volume and cell count as the study? I am pretty sure you can since they only used 100ul of microbeads/FcR blocking reagent versus 4ml of microbeads/FcR blocking reagent. Granted they did culture them for a long time, but if you used that much more reagents, you could surely get the same if not more volume/cell numbers right?

If so, I would like to know how much bone marrow will be needed?

I just don't understand how they were able to get two milliliters of cells. Will the cell number 5x10e7 usually equate to about 2ml in volume? I guess the big question here is how can I get the same (or greater eg 5ml's of cells) volume and cell number as the study without culturing for so long?

I have 2 kits and 2 vials of blocking reagent. Will that be enough?

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