We are about to embark on a major set of experiments in the developing nervous system, using NGS to explore the developing methylome. That said, we are trying to decide which technology, MeDIP or MBD2/MIRA, would be best for us.

As I see it, the advantage of MBD2/MIRA is that it appears to be more reliable and it pulls down double-stranded DNA (an advantage when one then has to build a library). The disadvantage is that the methyl sites seen are mostly restricted to CpG islands, but the brain, particularly in development, has methylation throughout the length of the gene.

The advantage of MeDIP is that it gets around the issue of CpG islands. The disadvantage is that the isolated DNA then needs to be made double-stranded prior to library generation. Also, MeDIP is critically dependent on the quality of the IP antibody.

Does anyone have any insight to share?

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