Thank you all in advance!

I'm writing my Masters Thesis on the importance of Storytelling for sense of place branding strategies and am at the point of analysing my collected date. 

I created two questionnaires for an online experiment randomly administered. The questionnaires are identical except for the addition of a storytelling element in combination with the presented products.

I asked the "worker" (I used MTurks) questions pertaining to brand experience, attitude toward the brand and toward the advertisment, knowledge of place and a few demographic questions i.e. age, gender, if they drink beer (product is a craft beer brand)

Brand experience was measured using the Brand Experience Scale developed by Brakus et al. (2009). The 12-item scale includes four dimensions of brand experience: sensory, affective, behavioral and intellectual. Every dimension has 3 items measured on a 7-point Likert Scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree).

Attitude toward the ad was measured using eight 7-point semantic differential scales: good/bad, like/dislike, favorable/unfavorable, enjoyable/unenjoyable, pleasant/unpleasant, appealing/unappealing, interesting/uninteresting, and nice/awful.

Attitude toward the brand was measured using five 7-point semantic differential scales: appealing/unappealing, good/bad, pleasant/unpleasant, favorable/unfavorable and likable/dislikable

My Hypotheses are that BE, Ab und Aad will positively increase with the addition of the storytelling elements.

Does any one have a suggestion how I can analyse my date?  I admit I am quite lost. Thanks again.

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