I would like to troubleshoot the transfection stage of my lentiviral transduction protocol. In short, I have 4 lentiviral plasmids, one of which encodes GFP. I tried transfecting the HEK293T cells, harvesting the lentivirus and transducing the Jurkat cells afterwards (as per established protocol) but I had no GFP detected by flow on the Jurkats. Before doing any more transductions, I would like to check whether my transfection is actually working. I’d like to do this by transfecting the 293T cells with the same plasmids again and running the cells on flow cytometer to check for GFP. Can I actually do that though if the cells could potentially be producing the lentivirus post-transfection? Would fixing the cells before running on flow stop the lentiviral production? I know that you can use flow to detect GFP post-transfection but is it safe to do this if I am dealing with lentivirus production ?

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

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