I am using a low pH elution buffer (pH 2.8) for eluting an antigen of interest. There's heavy contamination of antibody in the elute as detected by Western blot. Can I submit this elute (as such or after neutralization) directly for Mass Spectrometic analysis? The most common method is running a SDS PAGE to separate antigen from antibody and then cutting a band of interest. This method, however is unsuitable for my purpose as I am interested in PTM of protein for which I need large quantity of protein. Therefore, I need large quantity of elution buffer which I cannot subject to SDS PAGE. Moreover, using elute directly for MS will give an advantage since the protein of interest will be in solution form and can be subjected to various digestive enzymes. Another solution to this problem involving cross-linking of AB to beads (apparently) affects the affinity of antibody for the antigen. Can elute containing antigen and antibody be subjected to MS?

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