Micronuclei (MN) formation can in several ways. It might be due to oxidative DNA damage that shears off a chunk of the DNA from the chromosomes and without centromere, these chunk are left behind and form an extra-nuclear nuclei, which we term as MN. In another mechanism, it has been proposed that spindle motor protein dysfunction might cause a lagging segregation and prior to karyokinesis, the lagging strand fails to incorporate the nucleic material within the main nucleus, thus forming an extra-nuclear inclusion which we find as MN.
Based on your system, you have to interpret the observation or justify your work with experimentations. Hope this will help your cause.
The link by Alex is just right for understanding micronucleus.
Your study involves fish, I guess you are looking at in vitro short term cultures of blood added with cytochalasin-B? Or are you looking at the bone marrow cells (like we do in mice - am not aware about fish model)? The mechanism will be clear from the above link. The frequency of MN in blood cells reflect level of exposure to genotoxic agents - this could be in vivo, or following addition to test compound in cultures; which is to be compared with control for statistical significance. Baseline level of MN is not expected to be 0 in controls, hence it will be increased frequency that will tell us something about the possible exposure.
Basically exposure of cells during G0 will menifest at next division, if not lethal to the cell in question.
Hope this helps, it was new for me to know about MN study in fish.
In situ quantification of MN in fish has been shown to be a suitable biomarker in assessing the impact of xenobiotics in aquatic ecosystems. The two species studied showed formation MN, with the greatest frequency A. manniorum and lowest in C. carpio. The mechanism formation of these abnormalities is not very clear. MN not associated in principle with body condition of the fish, phenomenon has also been observed in other species. A. manniorum exhibited increased sensitivity the potential presence of xenobióticos agents.
At the time of electrophoresis, in the test of comet cells, the cells are removed from the Glass slide and fall into the electrophoresis tank . What is the method that does not happen?
Micronucleus test in fishes as indicators of environmental quality in
subestuaries of the Río de la Plata (Uruguay) Marine Pollution Bulletin https://www.researchgate.net/deref/http%3A%2F%2Fdx.doi.org%2F10.1016%2Fj.marpolbul.2014.10.027