03 December 2020 11 2K Report

Dear fellow scientists!!!

I have been doing cloning lately and have encountered some problems during my experiments, for example, I can get none or very few colonies after transformation into competent cells. Another issue is I inspected low Renilla values in Dual-luciferase assay. Hence, I decided to open a discussion here in order to get some useful advice from all of you.

Let me briefly explain my cloning protocol, and if you found any errors or want to recommend a better technique, please feel free to let me know.

1. gradient PCR.

5uL of 5X buffer

2uL of 2.5mM dNTP

1uL of 10uM of primer of interest

16.5uL of 2ng/uL genomic DNA

0.5 uL of Prime STAR GXL Polymerase

--> The total volume is 25uL (for 1 reaction)

--> Running condition: Activation (98*C for 1min), Denaturation (98*C for 10sec), Annealing ( 50*C - 54*C - 58*C - 62*C for 15sec and 40 cycles), Extension (68*C for 1-3 mins _ Depending on the size of primer: 1KB primer - 1 min or 2KB primer - 2 min), Termination (68*C for 3 min), and cooling down at 4*C .

--> Then running the gradient PCR products in 1% gel electrophoresis to check the quality of primers and the best annealing temperature.

2. Double Digestion (DD):

A. For PsiCHECK-2 :

5uL of 10X CutSmart buffer

1 ug of uncut vector

2uL of Restriction enzyme 1 (XhoI)

2uL of Restriction enzyme 2 (NotI-HF)

Then make up the total volume to 50 uL with pure nuclease-free water

--> Incubate the mixture for 3 Hrs. Then add 1 uL (10U/uL) of alkaline phosphatase CIP and incubate for another 1 Hr.

B. For PCR products:

5uL of 10X CutSmart buffer

41uL of PCR products

2uL of Restriction enzyme 1 (XhoI)

2uL of Restriction enzyme 2 (NotI-HF)

--> Incubate the mixture for 3-4 Hrs.

--> Run both PsiCHECK-2 and PCR products in 1% Gel electrophoresis

--> Then cut D.D band under UV light and extract DNA with DNA Gel Extraction S&V kit

3. Ligation

(The insert: vector ratio is 3:1 or 5:1)

2uL of 10X buffer

2uL of cut (DD) Psicheck-2 vector

(X) uL of DD insert [ X value is according to the insert: vector ratio]

2uL of (200U/uL) T4 DNA ligase

Then make up the total volume to 20uL with pure nuclease-free water.

--> Incubate at 16*C for 1-2 days. [ Note: I incubate at 16*C for a whole day in a 96well thermal cycler machine and then I take it out and store it in a 4*C refrigerator before going home. Then in the next day, I incubate it again at 16*C for a whole day.

4. Transformation:

(I use DH5-alpha as a competent cell bought from a company that recommends that this competent cell is a non-heat shock transformation cell, but is required to heat shock the cell for a vector larger than 6KB)

50uL of competent cells + 2.5uL of ligation mixture

Ice incubation (20 mins)

Heat shock at 42*C (30 - 40 sec)

Ice incubation (20 mins)

Add 450uL of LB broth to recover the competent cells after heat shock

Incubate in a shaking incubator (37*C, 1H)

Spread 200uL of the above mixture into an agar plate

--> Incubate agar plate overnight.

*** However, I got none or very few colonies on the next day!!!


1. Is it possible that the double digested products are mutated or damaged because of the direct exposure of UV light when I cut the band ??

2. Is the amount of DNA is too much or too low in the ligation process?

3. Could you kindly recommend to me some advice related to the cloning process that works well in your laboratory??

I am looking forward to hearing from you!!

Your advice would be highly appreciated and helpful in my study!!

Thanks in advance!

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