I extracted total RNA from frozen PBMCs using Norgen's total RNA extraction kit so that I could retain microRNAs for a small RNA sequencing experiment. The tapestation trace is bizarre! The 28S/18S ratios are really high (to the point of being unbelievable) and the RINe values are awful.
I wonder whether the retention of small RNAs interferes with the tapestation's estimate of RINe given that RINe "represents the relative ratio of the fast zone, the region between the 18s signal peak and the small RNAs".
As I understand it degraded RNA is less of a problem in small RNA library preps compared with other preps (e.g. poly A selection and ribodepletion) so perhaps it doesn't matter, nevertheless I am bemused by the traces and wondered if anyone could explain them. I have attached the traces to illustrate my point.