Use bioinformatics tools like CARD (Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database) [] or ResFinder [currently unavailable] to analyze antibiotic resistance for precise gene identification and comparison.
You may also run a local BLAST against a database of interest, such as ResFinder database, if readily available depending on the bioinformatics infrastructure. These tools can assist with identifying and annotating ARGs based on sequence similarity and offer specific details on gene variations, resistance mechanisms, and related metadata for additional investigation and result interpretation.
Prodigal is a frequently used tool to find genes from contigs by a lot of metagenomic pipeline to software. 'Gene comparison', do you mean that you want to know the function of genes? In this step, you need a proper reference database and then annotate your sequences against the database (for example CARD above mentioned), using tools like blastp, diamond, Hmmer, eggNog mapper.