I've attempted to use this method to synthesize copper nanoparticles. Copper nanoparticles can be synthesised using a variety of precursor materials. CuSO4, distilled water, NaOH, and EDTA are consumed. In order to prevent the formation of copper oxide species, EDTA was used as an oxidation control agent. Because of their smaller size and greater surface area, metal nanoparticles are typically more oxidatively sensitive. The solution was mixed with NaOH to keep the pH between 10 and 11.As we have followed the recipe as stated but the addition of EDTA was not specified in the procedure.Thus, I added the EDTA right after adding the other reagents; this addition simply stops the reaction, and even after a 24-hour reaction time, no product or particles were formed.Could someone please clarify when EDTA should be added to the finished mixture and provide any additional information about why the reaction failed?

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