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Questions related to Zero
Inverse of electron's effective mass can be obtained as second derivative of energy for k. On the other hand, linear dispersion gives value of zero for second derivative since second derivative...
08 January 2021 5,870 2 View
I found that, there is a difference in pHPZC value when higher impregnation ratio of acid on adsorbent surface. Lower pHPZC value when higher ratio of acid impregnation and adsorption performance...
06 January 2021 7,552 3 View
Can I do inferential statistics with regression if there are zero cells in cross tabulation results of predictors and dichotomous dependent variable in a certain research?
01 January 2021 8,053 3 View
In the paper A wavelet-based method for power-line interference removal i... we propose a new method for removing PLI. This method consists in identifying the ECG and noise frequency range for...
30 December 2020 9,547 3 View
A permeability of an antiferromagnetic along the spin axis is zero in T = 0 K as it is written in any handbook of magnetism. Why a magnetic field oriented along spin axis cannot reverse spins in...
28 December 2020 7,796 6 View
I'm trying to model a single tied rigid rocking block using self-centering mechanism. Analysis is done in two stages; first, the block's weight then, a lateral load continuing from the previous...
26 December 2020 8,104 1 View
i have run a simulation for a protein (minimization, equilibration and production). in minimization step, the potential energy value in the log file is minimized at temperature = 0 K. in the...
24 December 2020 9,021 3 View
If the magnetic direction of any two black holes is made equal. So the capacity of attraction decreases to zero? If it becomes zero. So we can make the ability to magnetize / attract other...
23 December 2020 3,329 4 View
I want to fit data to a nonlinear function and wants to claculate some parameters, for that i need a subroutine whcih fits the data to a nonlinear function using least square method. I will...
23 December 2020 5,422 3 View
Let k be a field of characteristic zero and let a,b,c,d belong to k[x,y]. Assume that k[x,y] is flat over R_1=k[a+c,b+d] and over R_2=k[a-c,b-d]. Is it true that k[x,y] is flat over R=k[a,b,d,c]?...
21 December 2020 6,479 2 View
I am performing NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) analysis on rock cores. I need to seal the cores to prevent fluid penetration. However, i do not want any hydrogen signal from my seal. I have...
21 December 2020 2,104 5 View
I am using a VUMAT code for describing a linear Elasticity? but the code is not working and ABAQUS is showing error: Bad Material definition in element number 1 instance PART-1-1: zero or negative...
15 December 2020 6,983 3 View
What i know, microarray data has vsn, loess and quantile normalization . i am dealing with GEO microarray datasets where i have to find the differential expresssed genes for NPC. im planning on...
11 December 2020 1,661 3 View
I am using Nanoscope 4 Multimode AFM. The laser clearly reaches (after reflection from cantilever) the photodiode, but SUM signal is always zero. Also Vertical and Horizontal signals do not...
07 December 2020 2,121 3 View
Hi! I am doing FP/FA to study competitive binding interactions. I am currently doing experiments to determine the optimal buffer for my protein. From the literature, I am trying HEPES and tris...
07 December 2020 8,699 2 View
There is an equilibrium reaction (Esterification) happening at high temperature of 250 C which is also kinetic controlled. Water is formed as a byproduct in the reaction which has to be removed...
07 December 2020 8,120 10 View
Hello. I design an structure with two-part: My structure: Air-Transition Boundry(Graphene)-Silica I use a rectangular light for port 1 as input and port 2 as output. I enter all possible...
06 December 2020 4,669 4 View
I am quoting here an explanation from TAIEBAT and CARTER 2010 "The modified swipe loading is applied , where the foundation is loaded vertically to failure and then, in the second portion of...
05 December 2020 3,116 3 View
For single crystals can I give BET data in the publication if it is coming around 200. And why it shows zero value surface area but after detag ads or des it shows value, and which one I should...
03 December 2020 7,361 1 View
I'm performing FEM simulation using ANSYS Explicit analysis on additively manufactured Ti6Al4V to predict the residual stress profile after LSP.
02 December 2020 2,634 5 View
Who is the first author use the canonical form for the linear regression model and for the ordinary least squares estimator?
01 December 2020 2,529 1 View
It is generally accepted that the existing limit theory, which would deal exclusively with "infinitesimal number forms", may operate in one of following two ways: (1) During the whole quantitative...
24 November 2020 7,355 3 View
Syntax error - File posre_Protein.itp, line 6 Last line read: '[ position_restraints ]' Invalid order for directive position_restraints
17 November 2020 6,860 0 View
Currently, I'm doing thesis using google earth engine to calculate the days of cessation of storms to CHIRPS Daily Precipitation Image Collection. The code flow is as...
16 November 2020 2,082 2 View