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Questions related to Zero
I would highly appreciate if you could help me to find an appropriate method to analyze count data in case of rice of stem-borer infestation, white-head and dead-heart percentage with zero among...
13 November 2020 6,461 0 View
I am performing sound signal processing for speech, heart, and breath sounds for a project. Our software already uses the Parcelmouth library for some processing features, so I would like to...
11 November 2020 6,418 1 View
Hello, Could someone more familiar with the GRAVSOFT package programs help me on the questions related to COVFIT: · What values are appropriate to be chosen for model parameters – variance of...
10 November 2020 5,431 1 View
Hi, I need to estimate the overlap between optical modes and acoustic modes of a optically guiding and acoustically antiguiding waveguide (silica core suspended in air). I setup a Comsol model...
06 November 2020 6,674 2 View
A few days ago i eluted a sample with standard (Tartaric Acid ) for which mobile phase 0.05 M Phosphoric acid, MeoH and water ( 69:1:30) were used. After analysis the base line (Uv/Visible 254 and...
04 November 2020 10,092 3 View
Hello, I wish to apply the NMF algorithm to an extremely sparse matrix (~15% non zero values) with the intent to cluster the data based on the similarity of their feature matrices. Because of the...
02 November 2020 3,575 2 View
Hello, I measured the zeta potential of PEGDA hydrogel microparticles which is a cube with a side length is 20 um. Particles are suspended on DI water + tween 20 Since particles are only composed...
26 October 2020 672 3 View
I have a question from @Pratima Adhikari that I will post on the open forum so all experts can contribute. Hi Alan, I hope you are fine and healthy. I have a question for you. I am currently...
23 October 2020 3,605 3 View
Hi, I just run ARDL model in which I have defined "Ln(Budget Deficit/GDP) as Dep-Var and Ln(G/GDP)+Ln(OilRevenue/GDP)+Ln(10%rich/10%poor)+.... some other political-economic indicators as...
20 October 2020 8,861 8 View
I have implemented several basic circuits using VS- CNTFET Stanford model in Cadence Virtuoso. All the circuits are showing proper transient response, but power plot is coming out as zero( in...
20 October 2020 3,185 4 View
Hello, Consider we have a finite element model with two elements and each element has a line with slope. consider again we run that finite element with two different theories. Therefore, for each...
20 October 2020 7,980 1 View
MMC has many Sub modules. if I want to measure the switching freuqncy, shall I consider sw. freq per switch or switching as total switches?
19 October 2020 4,258 2 View
Dear siesta users I am using transiesta code to get the I-V characteristics of Armchair MoS2 nanoribbon as scattering (with 8 unit cells) and electrode material. All the calculations (electrode,...
13 October 2020 4,594 6 View
Hello All, I am a novice to numerical methods. I am trying to numerically solve the following two coupled equations using Matlab; any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Flux balance in...
10 October 2020 10,102 4 View
I am refining structural parameters of my sample. after inserting all parameters in sequence, When I take first Run in refinement, the intensities of all peaks diminishes to zero of calculated...
08 October 2020 8,845 1 View
I know there is one tool called as EVA tool in MIKE Zero but it is the paid tool. However, I am looking for a free tool and not the paid tool but the one which can do the analysis of extreme...
04 October 2020 447 2 View
Hello, I am trying to perform Buckle analysis with Bloch boundary conditions. It gives me an error saying a Nonzero boundary condition is not specified. But I did define a non zero boundary...
03 October 2020 1,549 5 View
I am quite familiar with the general concept of bistatic FMCW radar. The issue that I was trying to understand relates to an HF bistatic FMCW radar and what techniques are available that allow...
28 September 2020 8,540 6 View
Hello, I am currently looking for a solution to measure the NEP of a thermopile sensor. My sensor is placed in front of the blackbody cavity and it between them is an optical chopper which...
25 September 2020 9,584 3 View
I have a solution that needs stirring inside an autoclave, is there such a thing?
24 September 2020 5,958 3 View
I am trying to simulate a pure shear loading on a cubical block with a single brick element. While I am simulating the other stress components are not getting zeros. Can anyone suggest to me how...
23 September 2020 8,030 3 View
No. At the most fundamental level, Interpretation of physical theory by mathematics may not be appropriate. The reason- "Suppose a Circle of radius zero and with theta(zero) radians. It is...
22 September 2020 8,358 8 View
By this, I mean that we can determine the value of the parameter by equating the first derivative of the maximum likelihood function to zero. But it some cases there is a need to determine its...
16 September 2020 6,505 2 View
I am simulating a metasurface in transmission in CST Studio. Firstly I simulated the unit cell surface and checked reflection and transmission. Than I added a substrate. But Unfortunately I got...
14 September 2020 6,122 9 View