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Questions related to Zero
I have some equations attached as a file to the question. I want to find the variables S, delta ,V ,Vc ,Te and beta_c resulting in the smallest overall error in the equations using genetic...
06 April 2021 980 8 View
Since the Industrial Revolution, society's development has been largely driven by fossil fuels. The Global Energy Mix is still Dominated by Fossil Fuels: Globally, the cumulative share of coal,...
01 April 2021 10,066 5 View
Reading through Prof. Ben Etzkorn's piece on Data Normalization and Standardization (1), he writes: "To normalize data, traditionally this means to fit the data within unity (1), so all data...
22 March 2021 2,108 1 View
I'm in a situation where I need to compare the accuracy of one stress-strain curve with respect to the other, with both curves having different x and y coordinates. If both curves have the same...
22 March 2021 8,811 4 View
I know that it's possible for analogous signals like coding zero and one when electrical beam exists. However, what about alphabet detector with more phase detection dimension?
22 March 2021 8,158 4 View
Hello Everyone, I have a Ag
21 March 2021 4,304 9 View
Hello research fellows, I would like to understand how I can create a statistical test, testing that the relationship between A and B is zero. That is, my ALTERNATIV HYPOTHESIS predicts a zero...
11 March 2021 7,401 8 View
I have a .XYZ file which contains SPM concentration over an area. The file is representative of an instantaneous time. I wish to prepare a .dfs2 file of this information in MIKE DHI.
10 March 2021 8,202 6 View
When explaining substitution models, the substitutions are expressed as Q matrix. Why is the sum of the elements in a row zero?
01 March 2021 4,317 3 View
I am refining my XRD data using in FullProf program. The intensity of the modulated X-ray peaks is almost flat. I tried to adjust the peak intensities but unsuccessful. What is the reason? I guess...
24 February 2021 2,718 4 View
Recently we used single staining to make a compensation matrix. But, for each single staining we saw that 13 to 25 percent of our negative population had been shown below Zero. In this situation...
22 February 2021 10,281 2 View
I have two groups (unpaired) of plant biomass measurements and want to know whether there is a test that can be used to determine statistical significance where assumptions are not violated. The...
19 February 2021 1,571 4 View
I understand that for partial mediation to have occured the CI for the indirect effect must not cross zero and the b value for the indirect effect should be smaller than the b value for the direct...
15 February 2021 3,671 7 View
Hi, everyone! Can anyone suggest to me how to provide velocity boundary conditions for the Eulerian domain in ABAQUS/Explicit?? I am working on a model in ABAQUS/Explicit, I have a plate that is...
08 February 2021 1,927 0 View
Hello I have 2 groups with different sample sizes of (experts: 5 to 8) and (Users: 28 to 35) answering 21 questions on a 7 points Likert scale about the importance of some dimensions for...
01 February 2021 4,252 7 View
Is it better to use the farfield results to check the fields over distance?
01 February 2021 1,398 2 View
How nessesary is working point zero charges for any adesorbent? I want to know how suitable the surface of the material is good for adsorption. I got SEM and FTIR results and thought those are...
31 January 2021 5,400 2 View
Hi everyone, recently i have a question about how to calculate the orthotropic elastic matrix of cancellous bone cube. I really need the help!!!! I applied six stress states to the cancellous...
22 January 2021 9,407 2 View
More specifically, how to integrate the distribution function from zero to infinity at any time to solve a dynamic equation.
21 January 2021 7,268 3 View
First of all, thank you for your consideration about this question. I've been working on development of in-vitro diagnostic medical device as research engineer since 2013. Especially, my major is...
15 January 2021 4,166 4 View
I know how make microstrip line with pin diode and blocking capacitors. But I dont know how to design the forvard and reverse bias on circut? Where can I see examles ?
14 January 2021 1,334 0 View
I need to answer this question to continue my research.
13 January 2021 3,977 5 View
I always read "the higher the score the better the health", however, it seems to me that it is not true by the way the two summary measures are constructed. Or maybe - highly plausible - I am...
12 January 2021 4,907 1 View
In conducting meta-analysis of binary outcomes (in RCTs), in case the risk ratio has not been reported, what should we do with the studies that the number of outcomes occurrence is zero in both...
10 January 2021 3,109 5 View