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Questions related to Sustainability
Design for Sustainability (DfS) is a wicked and complex problem. It needs the designer to combine specialized knowledge from several disciplines with systemic thinking. The designer also needs to...
06 February 2021 3,229 9 View
Hello! We are conducting a study that practically implemented a combination of different learning approaches to foster systems thinking competence in the context of sustainability and in a...
18 December 2020 6,716 2 View
If there are sustainability gaps, then there are market illusions as well as broken circular economic structures. Hence there is a market illusion associated with red socialism/Karl Marx and with...
16 October 2020 1,749 8 View
In 2012 Ric + 20 we shifted in theory to green markets, green economy and green growth thinking as the three indispensable components of environmentally friendly economic development, yet you do...
08 October 2020 3,782 22 View
I am conducting a research on sustainable business. I would be interested in suggestions of literature review and case studies (best practices) in sustainability and business models. Thanks in...
03 October 2020 8,624 19 View
If we look at sustainable development as different partial ways of correcting the traditional market, then sustainable development based markets follow the maximization rule too. But true...
26 September 2020 4,099 37 View
Imaging there are pareto optimality trends driven by externality cost generated pareto improvement dynamics in all possible markets. Then pareto optimality will shift to the right until there is...
03 September 2020 7,592 23 View
Just think about it, from about 1960s to 2012 a green cold war was on in western countries and the Rio +20 conference was the event where winners and losers were going to come up. The competitors...
05 June 2020 2,216 16 View
I am looking for sources where I can get data related to ESG scores for Indian companies. I am new to research and interested in this area of research.
24 May 2020 1,218 4 View
The industrial world is confronting the environmental side of sustainability. But, how do you evaluate the incentives - either from society or government- to convince them about sustainability...
10 May 2020 978 47 View
Which kinds of biomass, byproducts and waste are the most interesting for new research development in anaerobic digestion and gasification?
04 May 2020 1,628 25 View
Hi Everyone, I understand that, COVID-19 will strong impact health and also on Nexus components of Water-Energy-Food (WEF). I want to understand more from collective inputs from all the corners...
18 April 2020 1,648 26 View
The importance of bridging sustainability and crisis management is unveiled during critical times when we observe the complex and inter-related issues first hand. However, there is a need to...
05 April 2020 9,941 11 View
A team of researchers at Southern Cross University in a study on the long-term benefits of developing rail trails. We are currently conducting a literature review of current and emerging...
02 January 2020 1,006 10 View
The development and implementation of environmentally sustainable technologies has become a prominent topic of research in both academic and industrial context. As the impact of climate changes...
08 December 2019 1,757 4 View
Imagine there are NO production costs, neither economic costs,….. - How production would be priced then? - And this answer brings the question: How perfect market competition theory, short...
04 December 2019 4,445 9 View
Apart from economic values of urban spaces measured using CV and HP, there are other social and ecological benefits offered by urban open spaces. I want to understand whether urban residents...
07 September 2019 425 9 View
Often the three pillars of sustainability are presented equally using a Venn diagram, but sometimes they are shown in hierarchical order as environmental, social, and economic (see the link...
01 September 2019 7,928 27 View
Each company may choose to build their own sustainability report, with their own indicators. However, what are existing models/guidelines/tools/templates available to be adopted by a company to...
16 August 2019 9,040 5 View
Mining plays a significant role in regional development. It also generates great amounts of waste -- some of which contains toxic chemicals and heavy elements. Yet, additional mining-related...
12 August 2019 7,318 4 View
I am trying to present a problem of graduate programmes sustainability. However, i am a bit confused on what constitute poor sustainability of graduate programmes such as Masters and Ph.D. programmes
05 June 2019 8,866 7 View
In my research into Sustainability Engineering, Time Use shows itself to be a very important variable. Together with ecological impacts (Ecological Footprint or Planetary Boundaries), Time Use to...
05 June 2019 4,417 3 View
Clot sustained in a accident, however patient doesn't has any sign or difficulties. Some physician suggest it may dissolve itself and other recommends a surgery. Please explain.
31 May 2019 2,200 4 View
suggest polymer for the packaging which can sustain exothermetic reactions of porduct . polymer should be lower cost
25 May 2019 5,985 4 View