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Questions related to Renewable Energy Technologies
I need to measure the CCT from rotor angle graph >> is it possible ? HOW? it will be highly appreciated, if you advice any method to calculate the CCT
18 December 2020 8,956 2 View
Based on your expertise, what are advantages and disadvantages of producing H2 or CH4 from renewable sources (wind, PV etc)? I am mainly interested in collecting different points of view, e.g....
29 April 2020 2,146 8 View
I am currently working on the design of a hybrid renewable energy system for a factory. I have obtained the monthly consumption of energy but unfortunately the hourly demand load is not available....
17 March 2020 6,601 14 View
With more and more renewable power integrated into power grids, the proportion of synchronous generators significantly decreases. As many researchers recommended the renewable power to emulate the...
12 December 2019 4,303 21 View
Hi I work in the field of renewable energies in buildings, exactly the economical impact of adopting solar energy in building. I am looking for a scientific journal specialized in publishing...
12 December 2019 4,530 3 View
01 December 2019 5,113 26 View
For example, if I want to find the stochastic OPF of a system, shift factors can provide a way to find shifted power for different scenarios. Therefore, OPF for each scenario is not required but...
22 October 2019 4,473 8 View
Hello all, In most cases, the output voltage a DC-DC converter controlled by MPPT technique is different from the desired load voltage. How can I achieve MPPT control technique with a...
10 October 2019 7,487 10 View
10 October 2019 7,152 9 View
Hello all, When supplying a variable load by a PV installation, the voltage requires a constant nominal value. However, in most scientific papers the voltage regulator is not included to stabilize...
10 October 2019 5,978 4 View
There are many possible applications and reasons of utilization of renewable energy. Please share your opinion where and how renewable energy utilization can be increased? Also, share your...
04 August 2019 8,307 15 View
Hey guys in a lab setting, chambered experiment in a somewhat enclosed area im working with a CCS company to reduce overall global GHG emission's and we're trying to come up with a machine that...
07 July 2019 4,238 4 View
Dear friends and colleagues, Are you aware of existing or developing infrastructure works, under which two or more renewable energy technologies are coordinated towards the co-generation of green...
28 May 2019 6,121 15 View
Green Electricity refers to Electricity produced from renewable energy sources. It may be Co-generation also.
05 May 2019 1,197 10 View
05 May 2019 1,609 17 View
In other words, what is the likely fossil fuel emission required to create 100% transformation in energy technology, assuming today level of energy usage? Any estimates out there?
03 March 2019 3,150 10 View
What is the typical pitching speed of modern MW turbine blades and do this blades pitch fast enough compared to changing wind speeds?
03 March 2019 5,024 3 View
The project is to analyse the grid stability to increased load of renewable sources . It's an ongrid island , with limitations of import and export to the mainland . In order to make it self...
02 February 2019 9,920 3 View
Hello. I am working on the potential impact of the electrification of heavy duty vehicles (battery-propulsion systems) on the electricity demand, and in order to estimate the changes in the demand...
16 January 2019 7,933 4 View
01 January 2019 9,575 5 View
The visions of the future, in which global sustainable pro-ecological development is dominating, actually looks like a dream. But it would be nice if it happened. Unfortunately, currently, too...
19 December 2018 8,796 14 View
The problem is when the economically weak, small domestic economy has only traditional energy minerals, such as hard coal or lignite, and there are no developed different forms of renewable energy...
12 December 2018 7,205 17 View
What ways to do this
12 December 2018 6,744 7 View
Renewable energy sources based on solar energy belong to those types of renewable energy, which should be developed in the next years in the energy sector, because it is the production of clean...
11 November 2018 10,219 17 View