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Questions related to R Statistical Package
Hi, I have performed a CFA in R using the lavaan package. I used a robust estimator (MLR) because there was a lack of normality in the data. With a sample of 282 and 5 factors to conduct I have a...
08 January 2017 594 5 View
Hello, I would like to check multigroup hypothesis with the help of R Studio/STATA/Mplus Softwares but I would like to read some documents that used a multigroup analysis
06 January 2017 6,749 2 View
I have sampled 6 populations of lizards for which I have presented each lizard with 4 odour treatments. I want to know if lizards flick their tongue less when presented with a control (no odor)...
04 January 2017 513 14 View
All Dears, Happy New Year. I am looking to find a function in R which predict some interpolated / extrapolated numbers among a series of numbers. I have some censuses for 4 months of several...
04 January 2017 735 7 View
There is a huge number of missing data in my study. and the data are all MNAR (Missing not at random), with little MCAR test (p
30 December 2016 5,874 4 View
I tested the effect of pH on the delta 13C isotope change (beginning-end of experiment) in two species. When I do a two-way ANOVA (two factors: pH and species, both with 2 levels), I get a...
14 December 2016 6,090 8 View
Dear all friends I am using naiveBayes function of R for my modeling. I need to categorize my input data into two classifications. Now I am segmenting them by myself, and is not so scientific...
08 December 2016 2,280 4 View
DE analysis was carried out using cufflinks, TAIR10 database, Arabidopsis
07 December 2016 1,622 5 View
Hi together, I'd like to conduct a mixed-design ANCOVA in R with two covariates. I used the afex package to run the ANCOVA: BU_PK_trust_ancova = aov_ez("id", "trust_rating", data2_long, within=...
05 December 2016 7,897 2 View
I have monthly precipitation data for a rain gauge for 30 years and by means of which, firstly I need to carry out gamma distribution model in R studio software and then change the gamma...
02 December 2016 8,275 2 View
I have rapid light curve data (ETR for each PAR value) for 24 different specimen of macroalgae. The dataset has three factors: species (species 1 and species 2), pH treatment (treatment 1 and...
29 November 2016 4,571 7 View
Hi, I am analyzing proportions of volatile compounds in floral scent, by using metaMDS function in r (vegan) but the analysis does not converge. I have tried to increase the number of tries with...
22 November 2016 3,304 3 View
Dear all, I would like to pick your brains for the following problem. I want to combine data on an exposure (thyroid function or TSH) and outcomes from 5 studies. In each study, the outcome is...
22 November 2016 4,560 6 View
Hello everyone, Could someone help me and explain what is the best way to post hoc at PERMANOVA. Thanks, Lucas
21 November 2016 4,271 14 View
Hi everyone,I have a grazing experiment which includes: Two topography(flat vs. slope) In each topography, there are three management type(grazing,mowing,mixed use) In each management type, there...
17 November 2016 3,158 2 View
How do I generate GOF statistics using the R-package fitdistrplus? Here's my data and distributions to compare: Weibull distributions Dist1 - shape: 1.7914 ----- scala: 48236 Dist2 - shape: 2.1406...
16 November 2016 5,999 5 View
I have been working on profit function estimated in seemingly unrelated regression. I need to compute confidence intervals for the price and non-price elasticities estimated. I found some online...
09 November 2016 6,329 2 View
I'm doing goodness of fit test for Clayton copula on a bivariate data but it doesn't seem to work for some pairs. Here is my r codes y= c(0.7305614, 0.4515401, 0.6796660, 1.7711524, 1.0902400,...
09 November 2016 8,948 2 View
Hey there,I want to analyse the diversity of two populations with SSR markers.I managed to calculate the FST value with the hierfstat package. But now I want to test whether FST is significant. I...
06 November 2016 3,016 3 View
I was wondering if there was a package that helps with RAPD data, specifically population genetics. I heard about "poppr" but I am not sure if it works for this type of marker, it says it works...
03 November 2016 9,517 3 View
I want to use linear mixed effect model analysis in R (package lme4). I have three fixed factor and one random factor. So, how can I achieve coefficient of random factor and R2 value of the model?...
03 November 2016 2,368 9 View
I wrote these R codes which to help me compute some statistical properties of the probability distribution I am working on. Please, find the R codes...
30 October 2016 3,935 3 View
I'm using Tax4Fun in R to look for potential gene families for my 16S data. When the functional profiling (fctProfiling) is set as default, TRUE, I get a whole list of enzyme relative abundances...
28 October 2016 4,414 1 View
Is there a way to restrict ltt.plot to a clade of a large phylogeny created in Beast?
28 October 2016 6,640 2 View