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Questions related to R Statistical Package
Hello everybody, I would greatly appreciate your help with stat. analysis. In my experiment I would like to compare 5 types of foodstuffs produced by 3 types of manufacturers (A,B,C, each type...
02 July 2020 6,871 3 View
Hi, I constructed a network with igraph showing the connections between bacterial groups in three different systems (suppose A, B and C). Each node represented an OTU/ASV and edge represented...
22 June 2020 7,783 1 View
My data- set has 5 variables. One of the variables is the group . There are 10 different groups. How to check the relationships between the groups based on the other 4 variables. I want to check...
20 June 2020 3,527 3 View
I am querying the GenBank and getting different numbers when compare searches in R (rentrez package) to the Nucleotide db at NCBI website. For example, entrez_search(db="nuccore", term =...
18 June 2020 7,335 3 View
I am attempting to create train and test data for an LDA. I keep getting an error message that my test and train data have different levels of different factors for one of my factors. Here is the...
17 June 2020 9,123 3 View
I want to learn R programming language but I do not know a source from which I can start, I need it for statistical analysis of Ecological, Molecular, floristic, and Taxonomic studies.
15 June 2020 5,172 9 View
Hi, I have a standard SEIR model and would like to run a simple Bayesian MCMC (Metropolis-Hastings) inference on COVID data. How do you do this on R? Many thanks!
08 June 2020 6,255 1 View
I have a dataset with 75 independent variables and only 30 cases/ samples. function lm isn't working as there are limits, such as when you have more predictors than cases you run into issues in...
05 June 2020 7,018 2 View
I have a quite a large dataset of 75 features and one dependent variable where all are continuous. I want to do a MLR. and want to reduce the number of features. But there are many feature...
05 June 2020 8,942 22 View
I conducted a qualitative research and recorded the interview as audio clips for each respondent. How we analyse the audio based data using R software? This is quite common in NVIVO and Atlas.ti....
03 June 2020 10,102 6 View
Esteemed colleagues, I crave your suggestions on the best analytical software for analyzing economic impact using input-output and multiplier analysis? Which of these is most appropriate: Stata,...
25 May 2020 6,763 12 View
I would like to calculate the overlap between the distributions of two sets of data (predator & prey). The prey set has got about 250 species, the predator set approximately 5000. For each...
22 May 2020 6,917 3 View
I need to assess the effect of weight on the improvement in DV score over 6 time points. The attached document includes R syntax and output of 3 HLM models. The documents includes side notes...
19 May 2020 7,150 3 View
Hello, I am working on a latent profile analysis project via R package tidyLPA. The problem is that I found it is difficult to determine the number of profiles. For 1 to 10 profiles, the BIC...
16 May 2020 6,854 3 View
There is so much requirement of data for modeling the flow of ions in MODFLOW MT3DMS which may complicate the study. If you suggest some more method/document to do or a proper way of the use of...
18 April 2020 5,119 3 View
Hi everybody I want to create an admixed individuals with methods such as HI, GA or CGF. Is there a package or module in R or Python software to do this? Or software running in Windows? I...
09 April 2020 3,812 3 View
In the case of package installation, I am facing an error in R version 3.6.2 . How can I fix this problem? I have attached screenshot of R console showing error during package installation....
07 April 2020 498 3 View
Currently when i run the code i get only the coefficients for independent variables. I dont get the specific intercepts for each entity and each time period. I need separate equations for each...
01 April 2020 4,700 4 View
When we calculate some multiple comparison test (the Dunn's test, the Nemenyi test, or the Conover's test) using, for example, the PMCMR package in R, we can only get p-levels of this comparison....
29 March 2020 2,655 3 View
I have in vitro dissolution data for generic drug and I want to predict in vivo pharmacokinetics parameters, please suggest me free software tools or high quality R packages that can achieve this....
26 March 2020 8,128 1 View
Hi all I am currently trying to complete my dissertation - a meta analysis focusing on how indirect and direct predation risk has an effect on the foraging efficiency in squirrel species - and I...
23 March 2020 5,439 2 View
Hello Everyone, I want to produce the following figure using R for my paper. But I don't how to produce this figure without overlapping labels in R. Does anybody help how to do that in plot...
19 March 2020 6,737 4 View
I would like to multiply individual rasters in a RasterStack by a unique value in a corresponding CSV table (1:1). Despite searching, I have not found anything on this particular topic. If anyone...
19 March 2020 9,045 3 View
Hi everyone, I have to do some R in my lab during the quarantine and i have to know the effect of one qualitative variable on multiple quantitative variable. Example : i got multiple genotypes...
19 March 2020 6,878 1 View