I have rapid light curve data (ETR for each PAR value) for 24 different specimen of macroalgae. The dataset has three factors: species (species 1 and species 2), pH treatment (treatment 1 and treatment 2) and Day (day 1 of the experiment and day 8 of the experiment). 

I have fitted a model defined by Webb 1974 to 8 subsets of the data:

species 1,pH treatment 1, day 1

species 1, pH treatment 1, day 8

species 1, pH treatment 2, day 1...etc.

I have plotted the curves of the data that is predicted by the model. The model also gives the values and standard error of two parameters: alpha (the slope of the curve) and Ek (the light saturation coefficient). I have added an image of the scatterplot + 4 curves predicted by the model for species 1 (so each curve has a different combination of  the factors pH treatment and Day). 

I was wondering what the best way would be to statistically test if the 8 curves differ from each other? (or in other words: how to test if the slopes and Ek of the models are significantly different?). When googling for answers, I found many ways to check which models with your data better, but not how to test if the different treatments also cause differences in rapid light curves.  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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