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Questions related to R Statistical Package
i can't find any gtwr function example and my code gives error always. can anyone share an example running code or a link? i came across only definition of functions or theoritical studies but the...
15 March 2020 8,750 3 View
When the condition has length > 1 in ifelse in r and there are more than 2 statements how to use ifelse? I have a data set wherre I want to categorise people in to categories using sveveral...
05 March 2020 4,951 6 View
I'm testing different methods of calculating missing landmarks for geomorphic morphometric analysis of rodent footprints. After an initial literature review, I came across Bayesian PCA (BPCA) and...
03 March 2020 6,865 3 View
I have exactly the same question as the person who is asking in this...
02 March 2020 7,439 2 View
I am trying to model count data in R that is apparently underdispersed (Dispersion Parameter ~ .40). I tried looking for possible tutorials of Conway Maxwell Poisson in R , which apparently can be...
28 February 2020 5,835 7 View
I ran the response surface modeling using central composite design. And I got this output. Can I take this model? The model is having lack of fit p value more than 0.05. But other parameters are...
24 February 2020 6,911 4 View
I have the following problem: In a table with multiple coulumns I want to cut off / drop / disable all rows of one column before and after reaching specific values. The tricky part is, that "="...
17 February 2020 2,436 4 View
I would like to predict soil classes with artificial neural network (ANN) in the R environment. I train my model with neuralnet package. When using the predict function, I will only get the...
16 February 2020 4,193 3 View
Forgive the lack of a reproducible example in this question, as my problem stems from analysing a large (>50000 rows) dataset. I want to ask a question about generalised linear mixed effects...
14 February 2020 5,614 4 View
Do you have some suggestions about how to apply DAPC (adegenet R package) analysis on the Geometry Morphometry dataset? The dataset contains 12 morphometric points characterized by XY...
10 February 2020 1,898 2 View
I am trying to set random initial values for some occupancy models in R, in response to getting some convergence warnings. I am using the RPresence package but cannot find any documentation files...
10 February 2020 3,262 2 View
I am analysing a 14-parameter flow cytometry panel in FlowJo v10.3 and would like to clean up the data before analysis. There are two plugins (flowClean and FlowAI) which use R to get rid of bad...
07 February 2020 11,062 3 View
Hi All I'm on a project that aims to understand land cover changes as a result of rapid urbanisation. We are testing the hypothesis that urban growth homogenises the forms of land cover, that is,...
04 February 2020 579 4 View
There is a published substitution matrix for intrinsically disordered proteins that I would like to use for a BLAST search, but I am unable to find a program that supports uploading a custom...
03 February 2020 8,214 2 View
Hi All, While carrying out Panel Threshold regressions, most of the methods and statistical software seem to emphasize a balanced panel. For example, xthreg in STATA can only be used for balanced...
29 January 2020 9,910 4 View
Is there any idea to read GrADS binary file? or alternatively convert GrADS binary file to other formats such as netCDF or general raster using R or python?
27 January 2020 2,597 2 View
I am using R/R-studio to do some analysis on genes and I want to do a GO-term analysis. I currently have 10 separate FASTA files, each file is from a different species. Is there a way in R to use...
22 January 2020 6,547 1 View
> install.packages("deplyr") Installing package into ‘/home/rstudio-user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) Warning in install.packages : package ‘deplyr’ is not...
16 January 2020 3,332 3 View
Hello, I have a list of genomic coordinates from differentially methylation regions and a I need to extract from them a list of genes, and I don't want do look one region by one. Is there a R...
03 January 2020 7,222 4 View
I was trying to convert the Sentinel-2 1C product to radiance and came across two links first...
26 November 2019 9,854 1 View
Hi, I am looking forward to test unit root for a panel data series. In this regard, I would want to use the Hadri and Rao (2008) test with structural break. Is there any way, I can perform the...
30 September 2019 2,786 2 View
Hi all, I've got two different cell lines (GR, CTRL) treated with the same drug (log concentrations) and I've got two confluence measurements (0h, 72h) in technical replicates. Now I'm asking...
23 September 2019 3,482 13 View
I am doing SEM for a model consisting latent structure as model
09 September 2019 5,029 8 View
I'm currently learning R language and I work with Metabolomics for around 2 years. Until now, I've been using XCMS Online as a preprocessing tool but I have an interest in using xcms in R,...
29 August 2019 9,749 11 View