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Questions related to R Statistical Package
I downloaded a lot of images from in the level 2A. When I open the images in QGIS, the bands have a value range in the order of 9000. This means that the...
27 June 2019 285 7 View
I am working with a small data set (n=267) with mostly categorical variables. For each variable there is relatively low missingness (1-5%). Some of my measures must be imputed with chained...
14 May 2019 8,476 1 View
Hello, do any of you know how to calculate the empirical power of a FANOVA test in functional data analysis? or if anyone knows a script to calculate it.
17 January 2019 10,235 2 View
I'm going to improve my result. I know how to calculate the mae and mare by formula. But, some papers, they showed the additional result of MAE and MARE in bracket as shown in the picture. For...
28 April 2018 7,099 5 View
I performed a CFA using the lavaan package in R require('lavaan'); HS.model
16 March 2018 7,666 3 View
Hi, I have a data frame that includes people who developed end stage renal disease (ESRD) and those who didn't (controls). I want to match my cases with controls based on age, sex and ethnicity....
27 February 2018 2,037 5 View
The interest in this issue lies in the need to illustrate such results in the research I am developing and in the difficulty of finding script in R.
26 February 2018 9,735 2 View
I tried with the Xcms package but I can only align the common peaks and I need to align all of them. Is there any way to do it with the Xcms or with another package? Thanks in advance. Izaskun.
15 February 2018 1,885 3 View
Hi, I have done some time lapses last year of my cells moving on different substrates. I already analysed these videos with Fiji and the TrackMate PlugIn for velocity, track displacement etc....
07 February 2018 9,604 4 View
It is known that a series of values of X is the sum of processes, each of which is approximated by a nonlinear function (for example, parabolas) of the same structure, but with different...
31 January 2018 1,430 6 View
Hello, I'd like to ask how to interpret the results of Dunnett's test and Games-Howell test in R studio.(I attached result files of them.) I checked whether the data has equal variances among...
23 January 2018 2,076 3 View
I'm going to compare my model with the EMB method in Amelia package. I read the article: but it does not mentioned specifically...
21 January 2018 6,666 2 View
Hi, can anyone recommend R package for cointegration and vector error correction model?. Ideally the package should be able to deal with both time series and panel data? Best regards KB
28 December 2017 5,375 13 View
Dear all, I am struggling to find the best way to analyse my dataset. I have to compare fish diversity in restored and unrestored river sites over time. Fish samples were collected from 80...
21 December 2017 409 3 View
I am looking for a simple and robust package in R to run a meta-analysis.
19 December 2017 8,337 16 View
Hello everyone, We are working with turtle stomach contents and we classified those contents by two categories (color or texture), where there are 7 possible colors and 3 possible textures. Our...
04 December 2017 9,624 2 View
In different papers regarding EFA, I have read that items with loadings under .32 should eliminate in stepwise procedure. Do I choose the item with the lowest communality or the highest complexity?
26 November 2017 5,000 2 View
Hi folks, I am using r to run multiple imputation on propensity score matching, followed by my outcome regression model which is a HLM model. I read a thread:...
19 November 2017 4,153 2 View
Is there anyway of extracting the points of a PCA plot and re-drawing the plot in excel? I use prcomp() to compute the PCA and use autoplot() to plot it, easy peasy. I've tried pca$scores to try...
11 November 2017 842 4 View
Hi. I have more than 20 variables in the OLS regression model and would like to find the best model. By the best I assume it should have the highest possible adjusted R-squared, R-squared...
10 November 2017 1,417 4 View
Hello I've collected socio-economic data using ODK that I'm analyzing using R software. I have a multiple choice question with several modalities that I would like to have the frequency of each...
07 November 2017 3,980 14 View
I'm trying to feed a corpus into a DocumentTermMatrix (dtm) to analyze, but I noticed that dtm doesn't keep all terms (for example, I have terms with parenthesis and semicolons that I would like...
03 November 2017 6,186 1 View
I'm collecting selected weather parameters such as air temperature, wind speed, RH etc to study the development of UHI phenomenon in Kuala Lumpur for few years period. It's very difficult to...
30 October 2017 855 3 View
I was searching for r packages for designing sample location for different sampling approaches like point, line, or plot sampling specially in forestry topic. I found fiesta and imfor, but...
27 October 2017 872 4 View