17 November 2016 2 3K Report

Hi everyone,

I have a grazing experiment which includes:

  • Two topography(flat vs. slope)
  • In each topography, there are three management type(grazing,mowing,mixed use)
  • In each management type, there are seven grazing intensity(except for mowing)
  • In each grazing intensity, there are two kinds of patches(lightly grazed and heavily grazed), mowing has no patch
  • In each patch type, we randomly selected five quadrats
  • The same experiments were done in two continuous years,and the position of quadrats between these two years may not be same
  • We calculate community dissimilarity for each kind of patch, and we want to see how do the year, topography, management type, grazing intensity and patch type affect community dissimilarity

The question is I'm not sure whether I need to use mixed model, if I should use this method, how should I write the formula. I have wrote one:

model=lme(dissimilarity ~ year*topography*management*intensity, 1+year*topography*management*intensity|patch, data=mydata)

According to a book written by Alain Zuur, he suggest to consider all fixed effects and then select best fitted one by comparing AIC value.

I'm not very sure about random part.

Any suggestions and/or examples of how to write script for my experiment would be greatly appreciated.

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