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Questions related to Publisher
Since arXiv preprint server is an Open Access, if a paper is accepted to publish in IEEE journal, what will be the cost of publishing?
30 September 2020 6,017 4 View
Hi everyone, I am writing a mini-review (in Latex) that I would like to submit to the journal "Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis" (Wiley). However on the publisher's site, I cannot find any Latex...
30 September 2020 3,152 1 View
Dear Scientists I would like to invite you to publish scientific articles on economics (free of charge) in Poland in the journal ASEJ. We are indexing in RG, Urlich's Ebsco, ERIH+. All...
25 September 2020 9,025 4 View
. Are AIJR journals/publishers predatory? They seem not to be on Bearls List of Predatory Publishers
25 September 2020 3,836 2 View
I'm currently working in a project in which it would be useful to measure: transmural flux, resistence and potencial difference in mucosa biopsies. I've been reading about this method and as far...
24 September 2020 7,160 1 View
Dear all, Could you please share how we can get the permission from publishers like IEEE, PIER to use the pictures from their journals in our review paper? Thank you.
24 September 2020 8,492 3 View
UpToDate comes to be a widely used source by medical health care workers including students and senior postgraduate staff. I just wonder if someone aware about the publication process in the...
22 September 2020 7,124 3 View
Am actually working on a paper on education and would wish to publish it in one of the least paid SCOPUS or Web of sciences indexed journal. In fact I don't want to publish in free journals.
20 September 2020 3,638 1 View
I was recently invited to edit a special issue for Plants by the MDPI publisher. I know no one from my field in their editorial board. I have no experience with MDPI journals either but based on...
18 September 2020 792 8 View
Your executed work mean to be publish in reputed and standard journals, especially when your work is genuine and of standard quality. I have discovered the layout and expectations of standard and...
18 September 2020 8,869 3 View
Nowadays, journals have been classified into predatory journals and peer-reviewed journals. the publication of an article is an easy process in a predatory journal but its credit in academics may...
17 September 2020 9,486 10 View
Dear Scientists, Together with my friends I wrote an article entitled " Social responsibility as a tool for the development of human resources quasi-innovation in the tourism industry". I would...
17 September 2020 4,333 12 View
I would like to publish my graduate (M.S.) research, which is wildlife/conservation-related, and which I conducted at a U.S. university. It's been a few years since I finished graduate school. I...
15 September 2020 6,354 19 View
My question relates to the figures and diagrams that we make ourselves to be published as a part of the body of our research papers. Do we need to cite them too? If I have made a figure from...
14 September 2020 7,663 4 View
I am performing a systematic review and the majority of published papers are case reports. In the same way we use the Newcastle-Ottawa scale (NOS) to evaluate the methodological design quality of...
14 September 2020 2,541 5 View
I am running a study on 'productivity' improvements gained by using a different style of biodigester design. The main benefit appears to be the time loading and unloading, with output expected to...
13 September 2020 9,163 1 View
Is the information published by BEALL'S LIST about Potential predatory scholarly open‑access publishers available in the following link accurate and reliable? The Last...
13 September 2020 505 8 View
As a novice in the world of research with the aim to publish in a peer-reviewed high-quality journal, you do all you can to get quality work. Sometimes the feedback from reviewers can discourage...
10 September 2020 343 31 View
I gave an article to a men, and hw published the article without giving my contribution and giving proper name of mine.
08 September 2020 2,878 1 View
Checklists are vastly used and there is published literature on their effectiveness in medical care. However, is there any published literature on how to design effective checklists in healthcare?
08 September 2020 10,062 3 View
You keep recommending that I invite a Ruben C. Gur to join. That person is me. Do I have two accounts or is something messed up in your database? Is someone else getting credit for my research or...
07 September 2020 2,518 5 View
An unconventional question, would be grateful for thoughts. As the PI of a qualitative research study that was conducted independently, together with two research assistants, I am collaborating...
06 September 2020 1,905 1 View
There are 6 Homogeneous Monsoon Regions. 1. What criteria has been used for determine their boundary? 2. Is there any officially published record mentioning the technicalities behind delineation?
01 September 2020 8,401 4 View
Is there an established convention on this? I have heard from experts that 1% FDR is recommended. I was wondering can we report protein IDs at 5% FDR. Is there any published guidelines on this? If...
26 August 2020 1,496 4 View