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Questions related to Publisher
Dear colleagues, I'm looking for a latex-friendly, cost-effective publisher. The imprints in my region seem to only use MS Word, or in-print. Thank you for your advice. BR/Desmond Aubery
12 December 2019 4,370 2 View
I have a hypothesis that I am very sure no one has worked on. Unfortunately I am unable to work on this right now. Is there a way that a hypothesis can be published?
12 December 2019 2,682 4 View
Guys, Sometimes I see comments which are added in the end of a paper(e.g. I've seen comments and their replies from the author in the end of the paper in Elsevier's journals). The question is that...
12 December 2019 2,545 3 View
Hi, Can someone kindly help me to download the supplementary file from this article: Oxygen-doped Carbon Nitride Aerogel: A Self-supported Photoc... Thank you for your time Regards, Abdul Wahab.
12 December 2019 7,551 2 View
I am planning to publish my dissertation focusing on 'Promoting positive peer interactions in inclusive preschools in china: teachers' specific strategies for children with SEN' next year as a...
12 December 2019 6,152 1 View
Please guide me. Thank you
12 December 2019 5,535 6 View
Many of my research work is already published but as I have created my account here recently, those are not visible against my account. Please resolve.
12 December 2019 8,332 3 View
This seems like a relatively simple question that I cannot find a published answer to. What is the average degree of increase in VO2max in response to voluntary exercise training in C57/BL6 mice?...
12 December 2019 459 2 View
Hello brilliant researchers! After virtual screening, I performed MD Simulation via GROMACS to check the stability of the protein-top hit complex by following this tutorial...
12 December 2019 6,193 4 View
How do I remove items from the Research Gate that i wrote but are not technical papers - there is a lot of them published under my name on RG that should not be there! Please help me (the robot...
12 December 2019 6,312 3 View
In my published paper, I have seen many citation in my published paper but those citation is not included in my research gate citation. Looking forward for your valuable suggestion or discussion.
12 December 2019 9,822 2 View
Was in a lab for 4 years, published a few co-authorships. Had a falling out with the PI, joined a new lab and finished my PhD 2 years later. While I transitioned to the new lab, my old PI...
12 December 2019 9,279 4 View
If I am looking to replicate a study, where do I find the dataset that was used by the study. Are authors/journals required to make the dataset available to public?
10 December 2019 8,819 10 View
In today's time, we have two major resources to find out the availability of open access journals and books viz. Directory of open access journals (DOAJ) and Directory of open access books (DOAB)....
01 December 2019 7,032 3 View
If anyone is doing part time PhD from a University and publishing his PhD research work with affiliation of working place as using resources there. Can his/her published paper be counted as part...
26 November 2019 1,564 2 View
Does anyone have the dataset of coccolith Florisphaera profunda from East Equatorial Atlantic cores RC24-08 and RC24-02 published by McIntyre and Molfino (1996) and Kim and Schneider (2003)?
25 November 2019 4,701 1 View
Nowadays, I noticed that some scientists who did their research just for a job promotion with no focus on innovation and social benefits. they include their names even in published research that...
23 November 2019 5,349 2 View
Do we count abstracts published as conference proceedings in adding any impact factor from that journal. Is there is any other criteria to add any index or factor to your conference publications ?
23 November 2019 8,595 5 View
I would like to know if there is a published work studying the within-host mutation rate of a virus versus the between-hosts mutation rate, when a direct transmission event occurred between those...
14 November 2019 5,610 5 View
Can we publish an article in more than one journal. What is the procedure for follow-up.
11 November 2019 6,689 5 View
I wanna publish my paper in it and so far I didn't find any comment on it. Thanks
11 November 2019 8,106 4 View
Dear scholars, I will appreciate if you can please recommend a trusted platform/organization where I can publish my authored book for free. Thank you.
11 November 2019 556 4 View
Assuming that doctoral candidates are usually coupled with supervisors based on areas of academic interest which they have in common, to what extent is it customary for the supervisor to discuss...
11 November 2019 7,339 6 View
i need some published papers on spatial-temporal distribution of acacia under climate change on Afar region. thanks
11 November 2019 4,613 3 View