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Questions related to Publisher
Dear all, Does being a correspondent author matter or what if a PhD research paper published with a supervisor as a correspondence author?
06 April 2020 5,853 12 View
Hello I would like to ask if it is possible to publish a paper in which I did my research, four years back but I didn't publish it. So if I want to publish it now is it possible? Thank you
06 April 2020 1,960 3 View
In 2015 Run Ze Cao has published a paper and made some videos against relativity. I want to know why he is correct and if he is not correct then why?
09 March 2020 724 1 View
Can anyone please give details about list of Scopus Indexed journals where one can publish research papers with ease?
03 March 2020 3,028 4 View
Based on personal experience, I need suggestions for an international journal to publish my paper. I need a journal that is responsive, has a good impact factor and has a print version. Thank you.
03 March 2020 7,651 2 View
Is there a way to publish a study directly? If someone presents a completely new idea is not always welcomed, so there has to be a way to present such ideas. How can I present a study directly to...
03 March 2020 7,220 2 View
I'm currently working towards getting a systematic review published in a journal, and I'm interested in adapting some of the content in the review for my PhD thesis. I've checked with the...
14 February 2020 3,441 3 View
I have been asked to get the required permission for the figures reproduced in my review paper from other publications. All the figures which are reproduced from other publications appropriately...
14 February 2020 5,138 8 View
Dear Sir, Madam, Can I just upload a Review Article without publishing to a Journal? I have uploaded an article for one of a journal but it is still didn't publish by them. Thank you.
14 February 2020 6,616 5 View
Can author published his or her old prospective study in a peer review journal? For example 20 years ago.
14 February 2020 9,882 5 View
Dear Research Scholar, Hope you are well. I am interested to know that is it possible to use a quotation of a speaker's speech from a daily newspaper with proper reference. For example, in...
04 February 2020 3,479 7 View
Hello every one. I will be thank you if you send me any article which can help me determine guanine tautomers and or their related reactions.
03 February 2020 3,831 1 View
Actually I have some images of sperm that I have preserved during my work. I wish it will be helpful for others if it may be published or reported in any technical sites. I don't have an idea. If...
02 February 2020 3,855 1 View
02 February 2020 1,866 1 View
Kindly provide me some suggestions?
02 February 2020 6,146 4 View
I got a system mail with a paper request - clicking the "View request" button I do not get 1. the identity of the requesting person (there are on a search more than 10 identical names registered)...
02 February 2020 8,864 1 View
Hello everyone. Since quitting my job recently, I am not associated with a University or Institution. However, I am still working on my research papers and articles and would love to publish them....
02 February 2020 8,705 6 View
02 February 2020 8,601 8 View
I can't, for copyright reasons, upload some of my papers, however, I can provide a SharedIt link allowing people to view the full articles directly from the publisher - but without people being...
02 February 2020 4,868 2 View
02 February 2020 2,315 1 View
02 February 2020 9,008 4 View
Can any one tell me how to create the velocity profile shown below: Every paper used to published and explain clearly. But i am unable to create the velocity profile. i use Microsoft excel and...
02 February 2020 4,797 2 View
Fetmat's Last Theorem has been proved by Prof. Andrew Wiles completely after 350 years, but his proof is hardly understood by only 100-150 prople around the world. I am one of those who tried for...
02 February 2020 1,552 1 View
Dear colleagues, I am quite a while in this business and I as well all of my colleagues routinely use survey scales published (and printed) in journal papers. In the course of planning a new...
02 February 2020 8,529 6 View