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Questions related to Physics
Einstein stated that “The same laws of electrodynamics and optics will be valid for all frames of reference for which the equations of mechanics hold good”. In general, one of the main principle...
09 September 2018 10,237 59 View
Dear colleagues, We are conducting experiments on battery-magnet systems running in copper tube (also known as World's Simplest Electric Train). Our equipments includes: -A pin size AAA...
09 September 2018 8,429 5 View
Dear colleagues, Do you have an idea about the source of light through which we see dreams ? and what is the source of light through which we can see the colors we see in dreams? I wish you all...
09 September 2018 7,354 97 View
Dear colleagues, I am reaching out to the scientific community, to safeguard the intellectual property(IP) rights of an unpublished novel proposal idea. While published work can be claimed for...
09 September 2018 4,023 23 View
I hope to fabricate 0.5 nm gating length FET using 2D material. I am very confusing the possibility and the worthy of this research. Look forward any comment from you. Thanks.
09 September 2018 8,520 1 View
The LISA Pathfinder is a very promising project for detecting gravitational waves for z>20 according to LISA scientists. How could be that possible? It is well known that a gravitational wave is...
25 August 2018 7,291 10 View
Anyone has experience to add a NLS to the protein of interest?
17 August 2018 1,080 5 View
Recently I've been researching on some single electron devices like SETs.As I realized from current studies that there are different simulation tools for macroscopic scale simulation of single...
14 August 2018 2,166 3 View
Here I mentioned only Glass rod and silk cloth. This can be anything from triboelectric series. But, why should it happen? Why should different charges accumulate in two materials and then...
08 August 2018 1,712 2 View
Please explain the difference between each of these terms with physical equations and units.
08 August 2018 1,074 0 View
Physics laws are supposed to be valid, here as usual, not to be modifiable by humans. The laws of physics speak equally to foes and friends alike, at any epoch. That is not changed in this...
07 July 2018 3,417 4 View
Particles may be interpreted as field...
07 July 2018 4,034 43 View
What is history behind discovery of planck's constant ? I know what is written in text books of quantum theory. I want to know how they have concluded it.
07 July 2018 2,063 7 View
Can you also describe how optical properties, like colour, can be studied from DoS?
07 July 2018 5,043 0 View
Mysteries which are not solved by theoretical physicist or which have confusing theories ? I know there are many in astrophysics but dont want to focus on them now. Is gravity explained and...
07 July 2018 2,335 3 View
References are important for context, in conveying meaning to others in daily conversations, and even more in research. But how trustworthy is the reference used? The reason iWikipedia has no...
06 June 2018 1,687 3 View
If there is ether that permeates the whole universe, it should better be like a liquid rather than a solid at rest. Michelson-Morley experiment, was aimed to detect earth's motion with respect to...
06 June 2018 8,787 101 View
The limited age of our universe and Big Bang theory essentially result from backward extrapolation of a spatial expansion process, which is only an assumption based on mainstream interpretation of...
06 June 2018 2,302 29 View
I want to get values of fermi level with pressure variations. Formula (ne + nA = nh + nD) is need to be solved. However, it seems hard to solve this equation , is there anyone can give me some...
06 June 2018 1,487 1 View
In reference to the three attached articles in which it is shown that The theory of length contraction and time dilation are based on a simple oversight. When analyzing the Michelson & Morley...
09 May 2018 2,217 7 View
It is well-known that the ground velocity of a plane or helicopter does not depend on relatively fast Earth rotation (~2000 km/h). But a rocket's ground velocity at the high enough altitudes does...
05 May 2018 5,350 101 View
Hello Everyone Laktan 900 seems to be a very promising device for quick milk analysis in field. Its portable and cost effective. Can anyone explain...
05 May 2018 7,509 7 View
In Nature, nothing is a particle -- as we go in, we do not reach a particle, we reach quantum waves. E0 = mc2 is a well-known expression of that. But reality is observer-dependent, in QM and...
05 May 2018 9,095 93 View
What is the identity of the dark matter?
05 May 2018 9,815 8 View