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Questions related to Physics
Actually is science in general a divination tool? Did physics fail in this endeavor an event is absent from quantum mechanics?
12 December 2017 2,661 1 View
Question is related to incubators and incubation, Moreover, it is also related to physics, thermodynamics.
12 December 2017 5,976 0 View
22 November 2017 8,297 3 View
Ferroelectric characterization: Dielectric constant, loss, impedance, polarization, fatigue, leakage current,
20 November 2017 5,315 9 View
In some cases i'm deciding to spend about 30 minutes in browsing my RG account to search for some issues, Just i'm finishing, have a look to the time!!!!! Oh two or three hours passed due to many...
15 November 2017 6,054 4 View
Dear All, I have a question about quantum physics theory, If we can consider it as no completed theory because it attempt to describe physical phenomenon into an atomic level in term of...
11 November 2017 6,689 41 View
11 November 2017 9,367 3 View
When analyzing a moving body with respect to a moving observer we can use the Galilean or Lorentz transformations. As we approach the speed of light we know the Lorentz transformation gives the...
11 November 2017 6,717 10 View
11 November 2017 7,378 5 View
There are lots of videos and webpages on the topic whether this universe is deterministic or not. As I learned from the material available online, quantum mechanics says NO, universe cannot be...
11 November 2017 1,457 24 View
Dear colleagues I'm with prof. Iden are interested in Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in ideal gas in physics field (in particular in statistical mechanics), so, our question is how can...
11 November 2017 10,213 2 View
11 November 2017 1,694 100 View
Hi, all I have a question about the path of light, so if is true or not that the presence of an external magnetic or electric field can affect the path of light. Thanks,
10 October 2017 5,293 15 View
Circular definitions are a tautology, trivially right. For example, "a circle is a circle". Or, they can involve more complex patterns, where the repetition is disguised in multiple cycles, hard...
10 October 2017 6,386 7 View
Let a negatively charged plastic rod, with static electricity, be placed upon a small wagon on rails, and let the magnetic fields be measured by a nearby Hall-effect-sensor circuit in the...
10 October 2017 6,031 7 View
Could one use the Deborah number to model quantitatively a collective behavior change, and measure the rate of change of behavior? Can one use the Deborah number to represent start-up success...
10 October 2017 8,891 4 View
Dear All, not only in our university, but almost in all well known to me lectures about Dark Matter, MACHOs (Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects) are rather incidentally discussed while...
10 October 2017 7,072 4 View
I am looking for articles regarding factors that influence the operational risk performance on the microfinance institution.
15 September 2017 4,208 4 View
I have fabricated thin films of SiC and observed that the physical properties of the films are quite different from its bulk. The particle size of grown films is in the range of 10-13 nm whereas...
14 September 2017 6,013 5 View
1. Why do we have always a pair number of magnetic poles? 2. What makes the "south pole" S to have a behaviour so different than the "north pole" N if they were made just by "spinors". The spinors...
09 September 2017 722 13 View
In all our systems in engineering and science we represent the time as our independent variable, that is x(t). Then we use the great theorems of Lapalace, Fourier, and Lyapunov to analyze and...
09 September 2017 4,969 94 View
It should be thrown from a canister and the item weights .6 kg to 1 kg. Please help to find which type of spring should I use, Spring rate etc.
09 September 2017 5,776 1 View
I was reading about this interesting topic and I don't understand what could be the more stable kind of hydrogen. This could influence the storage of hydrogen? Thanks a lot, Julián S.
09 September 2017 4,793 2 View
If you've ever tried the experiment, you know you can't walk through a wall. But subatomic particles can pull off similar feats through a weird process called quantum tunneling. Now, a team of...
09 September 2017 2,542 2 View