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Questions related to Physics
Dear Sirs, I would be grateful for references and explanations.
10 October 2019 4,454 2 View
Thank you your clarifications.
10 October 2019 4,239 2 View
Thank you for the references and explanations
10 October 2019 6,484 6 View
Dear Sirs, The setup for the dispersion measurement is as follows. Hg lamp, collimator, goniometer with triangular prism. We measure the light dispersion using the prism. To do so we determine...
10 October 2019 9,588 8 View
Please read the article - Smile Theory of Everything, published at International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) and answer the question.
23 September 2019 3,426 3 View
Hello everyone, I would like to know if someone have a reference or a possible explanation about if ketones (2-propanone or ethyl acetate) could coordinate to iron (metal or cation)? Since...
09 September 2019 1,449 4 View
09 September 2019 3,147 2 View
A project I am working on is the evaluation of stigma temperature in outdoor conditions (solar radiation up to 800-900 W/m2 and air temperature varying between 10-30 degrees). I am utilizing...
09 September 2019 851 7 View
I wish to know if anyone could help me in understanding how to operate an engine in stratified mode. Do we need to go for double injection or can we depend fully on late injected fuel quantity.
25 August 2019 8,887 5 View
Como pode ser visto no arquivo em anexo, estou planejando a criação de um novo tipo de bateria que não usa energia química. Em vez disso, ela usa as propriedades de um indutor em um circuito sem...
08 August 2019 4,392 3 View
Hello, I have recently started working with microalgae C. reinhardtii. I seek to use it for my recombinant protein production. However, I face some problems with its transformation. Even though...
19 July 2019 7,882 4 View
Hello Is there a certain value in m2/g for a nanomaterial to be considered of high surface area and thus good adsorption performance ?
07 July 2019 8,934 7 View
Hi, For a project I'm working on, I require an X band varactor, with a junction capacitance of the order of 0.1pF. I am struggling to find a varactor (surface mounted, SC-79 packaging) with...
07 July 2019 5,662 6 View
In general, is friction useful or not?
07 July 2019 3,069 9 View
Transverse electromagnetic wave (TEM mode) with an angular frequency ω and a power P is propagating in the z-direction along a coaxial transmission line (P is the time-averaged power flow, to be...
06 June 2019 5,079 1 View
I want to create a 3D hologram in mid air . can anyone tell me how i can create this using any technique?
06 June 2019 6,551 10 View
What does it actually mean to exist? How is it different from non-existence? How can we be sure if something exists or does not exist? I have made a case that these questions are more fundamental...
26 May 2019 9,194 7 View
We know that ozone is a very unstable chemically and also poisonous for living environment. To increase oxygen content in GDI engine do we really need ozone or can we directly inject oxygen, which...
16 April 2019 3,111 3 View
Could the permeability of ozone layer to high energy cosmic particles provide an indication of the depletion or healing of the ozone layer?
12 March 2019 1,505 2 View
If you have not studied your current science, what would you like to study?
03 March 2019 5,429 56 View
Hi, I need to find how object is vibrating after collision with another object. Example: Object A is standing on the ground. Object B (could be a ball) is dropped onto object A from height H....
03 March 2019 1,580 6 View
Hello everyone, I am currently finishing my master's degree thesis in which I propose a methodology for knot placement in B-spline regression. I've already tested my algorithm on a lot of...
03 March 2019 922 3 View
Generally when a fluid is flowing inside a tube under forced convection under laminar flow conditions, constant heat flux and constant wall temperature conditions are demonstrated. In coming to...
14 February 2019 2,898 45 View
From 10K to 300K
02 February 2019 8,148 2 View