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Questions related to Physics
The occupation number of bosons can be any number from zero to infinity, guiding us to the Bose-Einstein statistics. On the other hand, for example, a classical wave can be considered a...
22 September 2020 8,802 2 View
Is is possible to find out if a material can function as a cathode or anode by just looking at cyclic voltammetry.
13 September 2020 5,823 5 View
A small eccentric motor vibrates on a floor supported by a single rod. Changing the voltage applied to motor the rpm frequency changes. Still why the frequency of whole system remains constant...
23 August 2020 1,428 3 View
What is the difference between a sensor dot and single-electron transistor with respect to the number of electrons?
10 August 2020 7,115 3 View
Currently designing power system for Lunar rover. Solar power and RTG are the planned power sources during sunlit periods however secondary Li-ion batteries will be used to operate in PSR's, these...
23 July 2020 7,064 5 View
Hi, all dear, In some papers or books there are schematic images such as attached images. What software are used to draw these images? Thank you for your suggestions,
21 July 2020 1,392 8 View
In my early education I was taught radioactive decay was - in general - not affected by environmental variables. This seems to have been disputed in recent years. I'm curious about the current...
23 June 2020 4,326 2 View
We know that by drawing a magnet close to a closed circular circuit, a current in the circuit is induced. Why? (I don't mean the mathematical description or the law of Faraday's induction, what is...
27 May 2020 7,718 19 View
Given values are:- top speed is 120kmph and average is 60 kmph,total weight of bike 135kg.l=1800mm b=700mm and h=1100mm. Suppose the wheel dia is 10inch. Please someone find the power rpm...
12 May 2020 6,391 1 View
Is there any matematerial which can reflect right handed circular polarization into Left handed circular polarization or vice versa of the EM waves operating in ultra-wide band?
27 April 2020 2,162 6 View
I was wondering if anyone has tried to induce EAE in old mice (above 18m) and wether the score is more or less severe in aged mice.
03 April 2020 218 0 View
Hello, fellow researchers, I'm looking for the drivers for a plasma diagnostics instrument. PlasCalc 2000, Originally from Mikropack GmbH , later sold to Ocean Optics, now Ocean Inside. We lost...
24 March 2020 2,794 3 View
Economics struggles with rigour. Development struggles with prejudicial questions. So, why don't we teach our young people social physics? Look at social space as a phenomenon of physics. Deeper...
15 March 2020 6,598 8 View
As you know, a time crystal shows oscillations with a period longer than the driving force. Is it possible to use this feature in molecular machine synthesis? Does this provide any advantages to...
07 March 2020 2,270 2 View
Is there any article or project about interaction of the "Schumann Resonance" on the brain alpha or theta waves? The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low...
03 March 2020 3,382 2 View
I need steps for measuring the Fatigue endurance and retention of polarization. I soft. There is no option for these measurement. They have other option like P-E loop, hysteresis, I-V, leakage etc.
27 February 2020 5,924 3 View
I'm struggling a little with what seems to be a mismatch between analyses that correlate aerosol emissions (particularly in North America and Western Europe) with large-scale cooling of oceans in...
19 February 2020 8,727 3 View
Distribution dominates policy. Resources are injected at a point and distribute across communities. Can the distribution be almost instantaneous as in the heat equation? Do the resources morph and...
31 January 2020 3,638 2 View
These are all very specific questions related to some lab questions I am supposed to fill out. I was able to do the first part, and know the equation for the Lande factor for the second, but I do...
25 January 2020 3,060 2 View
I am calcalculating electron temperature through boltzman plot method but slope is increasing and its value is positive when divided by -1/slope it becomes negative. Can this negative with...
07 January 2020 4,980 2 View
Please explain to me step by step method to calculate the Electron Density of a Low-Temperature Argon DC Glow Discharge Plasma using Optical Emission Spectroscopy. This laboratory plasma is...
24 December 2019 2,454 3 View
Einstein, based on his argument in section 6 of 1905 paper, claimed: “If a unit electric point charge is in motion in an electromagnetic field, the force acting upon it is equal to the electric...
10 October 2019 5,180 26 View
Dear Sirs, Everybody knows plane and spherical wave solutions of Maxwell equations, e.g for decaying plane wave E=E0*exp(-kx)*cos(w(t-x/v)). But seems to me they give the unreal situation that...
10 October 2019 463 14 View
I am designing a helmet impact machine. Does the accelerometer placed inside helmet and load cell placed under anvil give the same peak force value?
10 October 2019 8,551 4 View