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Questions related to Ornithology
As above, I'm wondering what is the justification for removing monomorphic SNP loci for genetic diversity analysis? Using a genome wide association study, I am analysing SNP data for a wide...
21 June 2021 3,505 6 View
We're finding higher infection rates of quill feather mites (that live in the quill lumen) the closer you get to the wrist of a bird. This is the same story for primaries & primary coverts and...
10 June 2021 1,286 0 View
The different paper doesn't agree on the actual circular trihedral corner reflector RCS's formula. Is it 15.6*pi*(radius)4 /(wavelength)2 or 15.6*(radius)4 /(wavelength)2 . In another term,...
03 June 2021 8,567 1 View
I would like to know whether it is possible to run PAUP on Linux with Open MPI or not. I tried to do so, but not succeeded so far. Thank you.
31 May 2021 8,625 2 View
Hello fellow researcher, I am looking for camera equipment that allows me to record videos for several consecutive days in relatively dark environments. Does anyone know of equipment that has a) a...
27 May 2021 2,155 4 View
I Wish to know the mechanism of action of activated charcoal in the rumen of ruminants. How do they affect degradation and digestion.
26 May 2021 4,646 3 View
Chicken egg yolk is widely used in the cryopreservation experiment of mammalian sperm, especially bull, as a cryoprotectant. Regarding that, I read several publications that use egg yolk as a...
21 May 2021 6,999 1 View
I have situations that the calculated in vitro starch digested ratio exceeded 100% (about 120~130%) using the GOPOD procedure. That's illogical. I am so confused.
07 May 2021 2,223 6 View
If yes, can you pls provide a methodology for this? How about if L3 is straight from an animal source? Will this be much easier? How would I know if the animal has monospecific infection? Pls...
28 April 2021 8,283 2 View
There is fear of the fact that under the 4.IR, there is anticipation of deep machine learning, robotization of criminal conduct and that conduct of human beings will be non-existent. How will this...
24 April 2021 6,033 3 View
A digester was loaded with combined waste (cow dung, intestinal content and food waste) and another one loaded with only cow dung for two weeks now and yet gas not been produced yet none of the...
21 April 2021 3,731 3 View
With the fast-passed Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the aid of Information and Communication Technology, at the behest of 4th Industrial Revolution (4.IR) and beyond – precipitates the...
19 April 2021 891 4 View
I am pretty new to work with rat segmentation! A tutorial, papers, or anything else which helps me to start the segmentation of the rat data-set would be greatly appreciated.
10 March 2021 9,069 0 View
In this figure, I have a shark tooth from Brazil, from the Aliança Formation, upper Jurasic and lower cretaceous cronology. I have a Raman spectrum, that is representative of the sample. I was...
19 February 2021 7,806 5 View
Sanger sequencing method is less sensitive and maybe not suitable for the detection of mutations in ctDNA. However, In case to detect mutations in some samples (ctDNA) with sanger seq; mutant...
08 February 2021 6,044 3 View
I've been doing whole mount in-situ hybridization with very small embryos (~E8.5) that are fairly translucent so they're often hard to see with the naked eye. The protocol involves many washing...
04 February 2021 1,543 3 View
It has been proposed that cleptoparasitic bees (CB) can be used as the indicator taxa to predict wild bee species diversity. I have some data that consists of wild bees and associated...
29 January 2021 9,590 0 View
Dear all, We are currently investigating small extracellular vesicles from mesenchymal stroma cells. To isolate our vesicles, we use ultracentrifugation technique. For the first time now, I saw...
22 January 2021 6,841 1 View
Does anybody have info or research if it is possible to hatch frozen fertile chicken egg, and what is maximum storage time, and storage temperature below 0c, for hatching eggs. I read that main...
14 January 2021 4,075 3 View
Hi. Everyone. I'm trying to Whole mount in situ hybridization. In gastrula stage, cells were easily be torn even I didn't treat the pk solution. And what is the best way to preserve the...
13 January 2021 9,769 2 View
Hello. I am looking for a description of a methodology for bird counts (census), which is applicable to airport area and will allow me to collect the data about species diversity and abundance at...
12 January 2021 3,479 3 View
Social media has provided a fascinating interactive platform and helped in connecting the people, which was too rare before covid. In a way, Covid has provided opportunities to the people to...
03 January 2021 7,592 3 View
Greetings I am Sachin Kumar, pursuing my Ph.D. in Ornithology, from PAU, Ludhiana. I am working on avian diversity along the River Beas. I had submitted a manuscript to a journal having keywords...
11 November 2020 7,445 6 View
We want to be able to measure the relative differences in eye size and "ear" tuft length between species of owls. Hence the eyes of the Great Grey Owl Strix nebulosa are relatively smaller than...
11 November 2020 3,309 8 View